B2B Marketing

B2B marketing is increasingly expected to deliver the level of experience buyers are used to having as consumers. Success depends on marketers adapting — and quickly. Explore our B2B marketing insights to stay ahead.

Discover how Forrester supports B2B marketing leaders.



RevOps And AI: The Cobbler’s Children Need Shoes Too

Simon Daniels 13 hours ago
Generative AI is already widely adopted in B2B marketing across a range of applications, often deployed by Revenue Operations teams on behalf of the wider revenue ecosystem. How should revops teams themselves use AI though to maximise their own efficiency and performance?

Converging Platforms For Greater Efficiency: The Rise Of Revenue Marketing Platforms

Kelvin Gee 1 day ago
The proliferation of data and the shift towards buying groups have set MAP and ABM platforms on a collision course. It also has paved the way for what we now call Revenue Marketing Platforms — an innovation that merges the best of both MAP and ABM into a single, comprehensive hub.

Capture & Prove Marketing’s True Value Beyond Sourcing Metrics

Download our measurement toolkit to discover demand performance indicators and metrics to reveal marketing’s real business impact across complex buyer journeys.


B2B Summit APAC 2024: Transform Your Growth Engine

Dane Anderson 2 days ago
Learn what to expect at Forrester's premier event for B2B marketing, sales, and product leaders and teams in Asia Pacific this October.

Can Your Customer Success Strategy Withstand The Heat?

Shari Srebnick 5 days ago
Summer is officially here — and we know this not simply because the calendar says so but also because the scorching temperatures outside are testing every thermometer’s limits (and ours, too). The intense heat forces us to adapt our plans and navigate unpredictable summer storms, leaving us pivoting quickly to find alternative activities. Solving our […]

Budget Planning Season Is Coming. Use Forrester’s Budget Planning Guides To Cut Through Complexity.

Sharyn Leaver July 18, 2024
Our Budget Planning Guides will steer you toward budgeting decisions that set you up for success in 2025. Get a preview of what to expect when the guides launch on August 1.

MQLs Are Holding You Back: Drive More Marketing Revenue With Buying Groups

Learn how to make the strategic shift from MQLs to buying groups and discover a new approach to drive revenue growth.

Four Questions To Ask When Selecting An All-In-One Event Management Platform

Conrad Mills July 11, 2024
Too many organizations treat their event technology as a tactical rather than strategic asset, with different teams selecting and deploying solutions in silos. This leads to wasted resources, overlapping capabilities, and data silos. Consolidating on to a single all-in-one event management platform (EMP) solves these challenges and also helps teams deliver more personalized and digital-centric […]

30+ B2B Trends & Topics In London You Don’t Want To Miss

Join Forrester analysts at B2B Summit EMEA from 7–9 October. Explore new strategy, tech, and process changes to accelerate growth and success.


Scaling Customer Success Through Digital Can Double Your ROI

Laura Ramos July 10, 2024
B2B companies double the impact of their investment when they scale customer success by creating a digital-led experience that includes learning and advocacy.

Every Revenue Process Transformation Will Be Unique — Just Get Started

Amy Hawthorne July 9, 2024
A revenue process transformation isn’t a project or single workshop initiative. It’s an ongoing, collaborative effort that requires organizations to meet their buyers at every stage of their journey. Learn what it takes to get started.

OK, AI, Buy Me Some Enterprise Software

John Buten July 8, 2024
If your buyers use generative AI to research your product and don’t put you on their shortlist, how would you even know? B2B buyers are rapidly adopting genAI, changing how they shop, so B2B companies need to start preparing for much smarter shoppers.

The Global State Of B2B Events — Eight Key Findings On Event Trends From Forrester’s Recent Survey

Conrad Mills July 8, 2024
Over the past four years, marketers have navigated unprecedented change in the B2B event sector as first the pandemic and then inflation impacted their plans. To help leaders better understand this dynamic landscape, Forrester’s Q1 2024 State Of B2B Events Survey gathered responses from over 200 event decision-makers to identify and analyze the key trends. […]

Sales And Marketing Must Partner Around Opportunities — No Matter The Pipeline Stage

Nora Conklin June 24, 2024
Too many marketing and sales teams still hold onto old dogmas and operate in a way that does not reflect how buyers want to engage, which makes it harder to achieve their collective revenue goals.

Align Marketing And Sales Teams On Customer Value

Want to maximize revenue by prioritizing customer value? Discover how the Forrester Opportunity Lifecycle keeps teams engaged with customers at every stage of their journey.


Eight Key Takeaways From Cvent CONNECT, San Antonio 2024

Conrad Mills June 24, 2024
Attending Cvent CONNECT as a speaker earlier this month gave me the opportunity to sit in on a number of sessions, talk with the Cvent leadership team, and chat with other attendees. Here are eight of my key takeaways from the event:   Events are booming. In his opening keynote, Cvent Founder and CEO Reggie […]

Struggling With B2B Data Quality? Let Me Guess …

Brett Kahnke June 21, 2024
Over the years, Forrester analysts have helped thousands of B2B clients grapple with data quality challenges. Across those highly custom sets of business issues, a few clear patterns have emerged.

Improving B2B Data Quality: Changing The Tires On A Moving Car​

Brett Kahnke June 21, 2024
Managing data quality requires a defined strategy to tackle data management, domain insight gathering, and team enablement, with planning cycles focused on governance, compliance, and technology.

It’s Time For A Revenue Process Transformation

Amy Hawthorne June 20, 2024
Buyers are in control of the revenue process — and B2B marketing, sales, and customer success teams need to align their approaches with that reality. Discover the Forrester Opportunity Lifecycle and how it can drive durable, long-term revenue growth.

Five Standout Features Of Real-Time Revenue Execution Providers

Seth Marrs June 11, 2024
Real-time revenue execution platform vendors have built important features that enable companies to improve revenue outcomes. After evaluating the top vendors in this category, five features stood out.

Embrace Reinvention To Drive Growth: Five Key Takeaways From Forrester’s B2B Summit North America 2024

Srividya Sridharan June 4, 2024
Last month’s event set the stage for navigating the frenetic pace of change in B2B and capitalizing on growth opportunities. Read our top five takeaways.

Self-Service Buying Is A Wake-Up Call For B2B Sales

Rick Bradberry June 3, 2024
Nearly two-thirds of B2B sales leaders told us that digital buying behaviors would have a significant impact on their organization in the next two years. Yet only 37% said digitizing the buyer’s journey is a top priority. It’s time to get serious about self-service.

ABM Won, But It’s Not Done Changing The Game

Nora Conklin May 30, 2024
The future of ABM is not scale — it’s profitable growth. Learn what B2B organizations will need to do for continued ABM success.
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