Welcome To The B2B Marketing Role
Welcome to our new B2B Marketing role pages. Our research and advisory work will focus on the sharp end of B2B marketing (see below). By that I mean all the work that marketers do to generate and accelerate revenue for their company. You’ll find our reports useful if you do demand generation, lead-to-revenue management, field marketing, content marketing as it is related to buyer engagement, and, of course, all aspects of sales and channel enablement.
B2B companies must rapidly adjust their go-to-market strategies, as they face disintermediation from the B2B buyer — because of the increase in digital and mobile channels and the ubiquity of information. They must make investments in technology, process change, and skills development; they need to engage customers better, both digitally and further into the buying process; while sales must also engage buyers earlier, often via social channels. At the same time, eBusiness teams should gear up to support the B2B buyer’s increasing demand for an eCommerce channel.
Many of you are doing these things, but because these changes and adjustments happen inside of organizational boundaries, they’re often uncoordinated and seem disjointed to customers. Here on these pages, we will provide B2B Marketing Professionals with guidance in how to develop ONE customer-centric engagement strategy that will help you win, serve, and retain your customers — a strategy that scales across all the customer segments you target and all the different types of products and services you offer.
We won’t be covering everything B2B. As the graphic above describes, there are other Forrester analysts who provide you with insights around B2B marketing topics such as customer loyalty, the priorities of a B2B CMO, managing analyst relations, customer experience, and even aspects of content marketing. If you are a B2B marketer, then please use this as your home page, but I suggest you also set up at least the following list of analysts in your new alerts configuration as well, as they all provide B2B marketing insights within their broader research coverage: Sheryl Pattek, Andy Hoar, Ryan Skinner, Rusty Warner, Emily Collins, Deanna Laufer, and TJ Keitt. Also, if you have access to their research, follow Kate Leggett and Fraser Tibbetts, who serve your colleagues in technology management.
As an example of a powerful report for you that’s hosted in another role, read this report on customer loyalty in B2B, written by Emily with several of our team also involved.
Please let me know if you have any comments or questions about our new coverage for B2B Marketing Professionals. We’d love to hear your feedback. Drop me a note, place an inquiry with any analyst in this group, or talk to your account manager or client services contact.
Welcome aboard and, as always,
Always keeping you informed! Peter