Diana Huff Thinks I’m a Smart Woman to Follow on Twitter!
[Posted by Laura Ramos]
Wow! I am humbled and honored to find myself in such amazing company! Thank you Dianna, it's great to get noticed.
At the risk of revealing a gap in my social acuity, I have to
confess that I missed this event entirely. At the end of July, I was
enjoying some time off from Forrester with my family and (maybe no
surprise) was not paying attention to social media at all. It wasn't
until August 20 (I'm backdating this post) that Tina Stewart, Juniper Networks social maven, pointed out Dianna's post. (Thank you, Tina).
However belatedly, I must say that I am thrilled to share the stage with luminaries such as Sandy Carter, Ann Handley, Jill Konrath, and Anne Holland. In particular, I'm so pleased to see my high school classmate Ardath Albee on
the list. Ardath and I got reacquainted about 2 1/2 years ago when she
replied to a post I authored on Forrester's fledgling Interactive
Marketer blog. I emailed her separately to find out that she indeed was
the person I knew from our high school speech and debate team.
I continue to follow Ardath's journey as an expert on creating
meaningful marketing interactions (she's in my blog roll — lower left
on this page – if you'd like to do the same).
Congratulations to all of the wonderful women Diana highlighted and
to all the others who continue to make the online world an interesting
and productive place to spend time. Great job, ladies!
In looking over the list, here are three more women (in no
particular order) who you should consider putting on your top list to
follow on Twitter:
Charlene Li – Co-author of Groundswell and
founder of the Altimeter Group, Charlene has probably done more to
advance social computing than anyone else in the blogosphere. I miss
her insight and companionship at Forrester, but know she is doing
terrific work independently. As the Altimeter Group expands — and
anticipating Charlene's upcoming book on Open Leadership– I expect to
continue to see great ideas and passionate debate from her.
Rebekah E Donaldson —
I met "Red" about two years ago as I started to chart Web 2.0 and
social waters. Rebekah is an expert in B2B marketing services,
particularly around inbound marketing services such as Web, email,
search marketing, and social media, along with traditional marketing
techniques, and has built a lively consulting business in the
Sacramento, California area – which makes her my sounding board when I
need a perspective outside tech-centric Silicon Valley. I owe her a
debt of gratitude for help in shaping my thoughts about avoiding obsolescence in B2B marketing.
Debbie Weil –
is a corporate blogging and social media expert, online marketing
consultant, and author of "The Corporate Blog". She's great fun to
listen to as well. I follow Debbie on Twitter and look forward to
meeting her in person some day.
Cross-posted from B2BMarketingPOSTs.