Forrester’s B2B Marketing Forum Reinforces The Concept Of “Customer As Compass” (And Covers What To Do About It)
I hope that nobody in your organization needs convincing that you should join us at the B2B Marketing Forum in Austin, Texas, this year (October 5 and 6, 2017). We have an incredible agenda with a fantastic lineup of inspirational speakers.
What’s unique is that we’ve designed the agenda to help B2B marketing leaders succeed at multiple levels — reinforcing the strategic imperative of customer obsession and pulling that thread through to operational must-haves. We both reinforce the concept of customer as compass and show you how to thrive in our deep-dive sessions.
So if you are building a business case to attend, add this: I’ll be hosting one of those deep dives on attribution strategy. It’s called “Move from Influence Obsession To Customer Obsession With Attribution.” After more than a year of seeing eyes light up when I talk about attribution during inquiry or advisory in the context of marketing performance management, I’m finally getting to dedicate some focused time to the topic at the B2B Marketing Forum.
(I’m still talking performance management, too. In fact, a great panel will discuss “Marketing Performance Management And The Missing Link To Revenue.”)
But in the deep dive, we’re going to talk about quantifying the influence you have on revenue as a B2B marketing leader. We’re going to talk about guiding investments with data, analytics, and insights. You’re going to return to the office with ideas about increased transparency around marketing activity and start the most important conversation you can have with your sales and executive stakeholders around marketing’s value in real, dollar-based terms. We’ll lay the groundwork for attribution that supports revenue outcomes so that you can:
- Move budget from lagging programs to those that keep customers engaged.
- Recognize channels that have been historically disconnected from revenue outcomes.
- Forecast more reliably.
And I know that your stakeholders want those things because they want to understand the ROI of your marketing efforts. For a long time, that’s been impossible, but it’s not now. It’s not impossible even though buyers are more anonymous than ever before; even though buyers are using the web to inform RFPs and vendor shortlists with unprecedented levels of independence and self-direction; and despite the proliferation of channels at your disposal and the fact that they all have their own performance data and analytics. None of it is impossible.

So, if you’re building a business case, add my session to it. If you’ve already signed up, please join me.
Register for Forrester’s B2B Marketing Forum using the discount code B2BBLOG17 for $200 savings.