Kicking Off Forrester’s “Targeted Attack Hierarchy Of Needs” Research
I am about to kick off my next Forrester research on targeted attacks. Here is the short abstract: "The threat landscape has evolved but organizations haven't. Leveraging concepts of Zero Trust, this report will detail strategies for protecting against targeted attacks against your organization. We will focus on the pros and cons of various strategies and provide suggestions for maximizing your investments." If you'd like a preview to the tone of this research please see one of my previous blogs: "Kim Kardashian and APTs."
- Vendors: The focus of this research is on overall strategy and NOT on specific vendor capabilities. We look forward to detailed vendor conversations when we do follow on Waves or Market Overviews in the future.
- Enterprises: If you would like to provide us feedback on your experience with defending against targeted attacks, we would love to hear from you. If you purchased a magic anti-APT box and it is/isn't living up to your expectations, let us know. We are currently scheduling research interviews. Research interviews are open to more than just Forrester clients. If you aren't a client and would like to participate, we will provide you a complimentary copy of the final research upon completion.
Please contact Kelley Mak (kmak at forrester dot com) if you are interested in participating in this research. We expect this report to publish in January. (Fine print: This is a publication estimate and this date is subject to change.)
Image source: stock.xchng