London’s Evening Standard goes from paid to free – will it work?
The announcement that London’s Evening Standard is moving from paid to free is the latest twist in London’s newspaper wars, following the closure of Rupert Murdoch’s free Londonpaper, which failed to make a quick enough return for its owner in the face of its free (but inferior) rival from the Daily Mail publisher DMGT. Now the long-established Standard, with its new Russian owner, is coming out fighting by abandoning its cover price. With many other publishers now considering going in the opposite direction (online at least), who has got it right?
So it’s a slog balancing scale and yield. Today’s comments from the Evening Standard suggested that its new found scale would revitalize its classifieds, and there is a precedent, as anyone who has picked up a fat and free copy of Village Voice in New York will know (although the, ahem, colourful classifieds certainly reflect the full variety of life in the Big Apple). So good luck to the Standard. It would be absurd if a city as large, vibrant, wealthy and diverse as