Process Improvement: If Not You, Who? If Not Now, When?
In my last post on exposing the hidden hurdles to real process improvement in sales and marketing, we explored how being an efficient middle man can give a false sense of security. In this post, we’ll delve into another topic: lack of ownership.
While process improvement may be urgently needed, marketing and sales leaders are often reluctant to take on yet another challenge. “Sure, I can see how messed up this process is, but it’s not up to me to fix it,” they say to themselves. “No way I’m taking on THAT political battle, and besides, I’ve already got enough on my plate. The last thing I need is some special project.”
It’s such a common refrain – one we’ve all muttered to ourselves at one time or another. We’ve likely commiserated with a co-worker or two about process issues at the proverbial water cooler, and maybe even floated a few suggestions on how to fix things. But any real action? Um, no.
Instead, we offer up some half-hearted, inane corporate-speak to end the conversation (“well, we’ll get there”), and then it’s back to our day jobs. Sure, it seems like a waste for eight people to review an email three times each before it goes out the door… but who am I to step in and try to fix that?
But you’re a process hero! You’re the one who can end this cycle. How? Keep reading, Master Builder:
Up next: “It’s Not All About You…”