Shari Srebnick

Principal Analyst

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Author Insights


Can Your Customer Success Strategy Withstand The Heat?

Shari Srebnick 4 days ago
Summer is officially here — and we know this not simply because the calendar says so but also because the scorching temperatures outside are testing every thermometer’s limits (and ours, too). The intense heat forces us to adapt our plans and navigate unpredictable summer storms, leaving us pivoting quickly to find alternative activities. Solving our […]

Promise-Keeping Is Key To Building Customer Trust

Shari Srebnick May 24, 2024
As B2B professionals, we often think that we’re aligned, but we design processes from our own internal perspectives, overlooking how this will impact the customer experience. This erodes trust.

Customer Success Platform Consolidation Reflects Market Dynamism

Shari Srebnick February 28, 2024
Customer success platform vendors Totango and Catalyst have announced plans to merge. Is this the start of an acquisition trend in the space? Find out more in this analysis.

Are Scaled And Digital-Led Customer Success The Same Thing? Inconceivable!

Shari Srebnick November 30, 2023
Decode the meaning of digital-led and scaled customer success.

Customer Success Platforms: Supporting Success At Scale

Shari Srebnick November 7, 2023
“Do more with less.” In the ever-evolving tech and economic landscape of 2023, this has become the battle cry of beleaguered customer success professionals around the globe as they attempt to scale their function. But it isn’t so much about doing more with less: It’s about shifting the perspective on how to provide value to […]

It’s Not You, It’s Me: What It Really Means When Budget Is The Reason For The Breakup

Shari Srebnick September 5, 2023
Despite what customers may tell you, budget is often not the real reason why they’ve decided not to renew.

Steering Toward Success: Three Approaches To Building Outcomes-Based Joint Success Plans

Shari Srebnick August 3, 2023
A joint customer success plan is a roadmap to help steer customers toward achieving their desired outcomes.

Purpose-Built Tools Fuel The Customer Success Growth Engine

Shari Srebnick April 18, 2023
Customer success platforms are purpose-built to support customer success teams’ objective of retention and expansion.

Customer-Led Growth Is Getting More Attention Among B2B Firms: Should You Care?

Laura Ramos February 14, 2023
You may be hearing more about customer-led growth as a counterpoint to product-led growth. Learn what it is, and what it means for you.

We Have Liftoff! Effective Customer Onboarding Is The Launchpad To Customer Value

Shari Srebnick December 13, 2022
Customer onboarding is critical for successful adoption, revenue retention, and growth.

Is Customer Success “The New Sales”? No.

Shari Srebnick November 2, 2022
Customer success is a revenue generating department focused on customer outcomes and value realization. So can it be "the new sales"? No.

In Customer Success We Trust

Shari Srebnick July 14, 2022
Customer Success is a critical business function and plays an essential role in building trust with customers as a strategy for retention.

Customer Success: Broaden Your Conference Horizons

Shari Srebnick June 1, 2022
Attending conferences with other functional leaders can pave the way for change by broadening horizons and expanding perspectives. Our opening keynote demonstrated how anyone, with the proper approach, can create the conditions necessary for change.