Sales Content: Time to Purge
I’m in the process of moving out of the house my family and I have lived in for the past 16 years. With our kids off to college, it’s time to downsize our “empty nest.”
Anyone who has been through this experience can probably relate to the following. I’ve been amazed at the amount of stuff (I use that term loosely) we’ve accumulated over those 16 years. While I’d hardly call myself a hoarder, we still have a remarkable amount of items that have not been used in years. My favorite was the collection of fishing rods we found – I don’t even like fishing. We’ve spent the last few weeks “purging” – giving things away to relatives, donating to various charities, and junking the rest. When we move into our new place, we’ll hopefully only have the stuff we really can use, better organized so we can find it when we need it.
There’s a great lesson here for any sales organization that’s planning to move its content to a new portal in the upcoming year. Like a hoarder unwilling to part with any possession, many marketing and sales organizations feel compelled to keep every piece of content ever created (one client shared that they once had 50,000 pieces of content stored on their sales portals). The results are predictable: Salespeople get frustrated when they can’t find what they need searching through all that clutter. Marketers also become frustrated when reps don’t use the content they’ve spent so much time creating.
When moving to a new sales portal, don’t make the mistake of simply dumping all of your “stuff” from the old one into the new. Use the migration as an opportunity to “clean house” and purge a lot of that unused and likely outdated content:
Content will never substitute for a highly skilled salesforce capable of having the right kind of conversations with buyers. So, don’t be afraid to purge! And as for me, if I ever do decide to take up fishing, I’ll just buy some new poles.