The Sirius Directions in Technology Model
SiriusDecisions has introduced a framework that devotees of B2B sales and marketing technology best practices should find useful: The Sirius Directions in Technology Model. Our model is a comprehensive representation of the major technology categories that B2B sales and marketing organizations must leverage to drive functional alignment and integration. More than just a catalog of different technologies, organizations need to understand the types of technologies available and how they can solve business issues related to specific sales and marketing activities (e.g. driving awareness, creating demand, measuring sales performance).
True technology alignment between sales and marketing means there are no clean breaks between major technology categories. Instead, the model uses a gradated color scheme across technologies and categories to represent an ecosystem where each technology’s value is not limited to one organizational function. B2B technologies must work together to drive productivity and insight between sales and marketing and the rest of the organization. This is a key consideration, as one of the biggest mistakes companies make when choosing a technology vendor is failing to consider the necessary integration points.
With so many available technologies now targeting a wide range of sales and marketing issues, organizations must understand all available options to address their business problems and support corporate initiatives. But no tool should be an island: Be mindful that choosing anything in isolation without considering its ability to integrate with existing systems will be counterproductive to improving the measurability and performance of sales and marketing. Few organizations have purchased every technology type within each category, but our model can serve as a foundational roadmap when considering the types of technologies that will form a complete sales and marketing infrastructure within your organization.