The Top Tweetable Moments of SiriusDecisions Summit 2018, Day One
- The 2018 SiriusDecisions Summit is delivering cutting-edge research, inspiring presentations and top-notch networking opportunities
- Several moments during the event’s opening day were met with great enthusiasm among attendees on Twitter
- Whether you’re in attendance in Las Vegas or wishing you could be there, make sure to watch for more blog recaps
With temperatures expected to soar above 100 degrees in Las Vegas this week, the only thing hotter than the sidewalks on the world-famous Strip is all the eagerly anticipated new research being unveiled over the next several days at this year’s SiriusDecisions Summit.
The annual gathering of thousands of B2B executives in sales, marketing and product kicked off at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino early this morning. Before settling in for a day of learning, hundreds of attendees hit the pavement just after sunrise for a wonderful cause – running the official SiriusDecisions Summit 5K to raise money for the VWM Families Foundation.
Early start for the #SDSummit with a 5k charity run along Vegas strip! So many stairs. All for Vanishing White Matter Disease research
— Dominic Tavassoli (@DomTavassoli) May 8, 2018
Why do we start every #SDSummit with a 5k run? Because of our Sirius family member Nick Buck and his son Sam – listen to their story about @VWMFamilies! ??
— SiriusDecisions (@siriusdecisions) May 8, 2018
Just finished running the @siriusdecisions 5K benefiting the VWM Families Foundation and registered for the #SDSummit 2018 representing @Televerde in #lasvegas! #inittowinit!
— Gretchen Grove (@GretchenSGrove) May 8, 2018
The morning programming featured the Executive Leadership Exchange, where SiriusDecisions presenters offered advice on a timely topic pertinent to many sales, marketing and product executives: how to effectively work with your board.
About to hit this stage at the House of Blues Las Vegas (yes, really) for #SDsummit to present w/@tjaros & @pjharrell on what #prodmgmt, #marketing & #sales leaders need to know about working with their boards
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) May 8, 2018
Meanwhile, Summit first-timers and anyone else looking for a crash course in the most important SiriusDecisions research concepts filled several packed rooms at the popular SiriusFoundations sessions. Phone cameras flashed and attendees typed away furiously as they soaked up essential information on models, frameworks and data.
Informative session on #channelmarketing foundations by @AngelaLeech at #SDSummit #seriousdecisions. New models for addressing key priorities and identifying metrics
— Kate Hodgins (@hodgins_kate) May 8, 2018
Just three sessions in to the @siriusdecisions summit, and I’m already itching to plan a strategy workshop for my whole team with some of their great models! #SDsummit
— Whitney Magnuson (@whitneymagnuson) May 8, 2018
Love this model from @JulianArcher #SDSummit
— Michael Noble (@michaelnob) May 8, 2018
What does your Go-to-Market Architecture look like? @bvasudevan delivers the foundational frameworks for portfolio marketing #SDSummit @siriusdecisions
— Rachel Young (@rpyoung_) May 8, 2018
After gaining insights from peers at the first set of inspiring sponsor case studies, delegates gathered for lunch in the SiriusDecisions Sponsor Marketplace, where they could start exploring the latest and greatest from more than 100 technology and service providers – and maybe collect a few fun new items from sponsor booth giveaways.
#SDSummit Marketplace is open! Swing by the SiriusDecisions booth to explore our NEW #technology coverage: #B2B
— SiriusDecisions (@siriusdecisions) May 8, 2018
With such a busy morning, it’s hard to believe that Summit didn’t even officially kick off until after lunch. Before Tony Jaros, president and chief product officer at SiriusDecisions, took the stage for his opening remarks, attendees enjoyed a montage of movie clips to introduce this year’s Summit theme: Building the playbook for intelligent growth.
What’s in that intelligent growth playbook? All will be unveiled as Summit rolls on, but Tony offered a preview by showing delegates the elements of a priorities-based revenue engine that enables transformation in B2B organization.
#SDSummit keynote about to start. Enjoying some short clips from various movies throughout the years from @DisneyStudios @WaltDisneyCo
— David Mo (@DavidMo) May 8, 2018
Building the playbooks / Tony Jaros on the stage / intelligent growth #haiku #SDSummit
— Jonathan Block (@jblock) May 8, 2018
@tjaros @siriusdecisions #SDsummit Take a common model or framework, build upon it and make it your own. It’s what best in class B2B organisations do says Tony Jaros in the opening keynote. Makes sense to me and we should always ask what are we trying to achieve.
— Colin Day (@cday_uk) May 8, 2018
Transformation can also occur on a personal level, with astounding business results, as guest keynote speaker Molly Bloom – champion skier turned “Poker Princess” turned memoirist – demonstrated during her inspirational Summit address. Her key lessons on maintaining resilience, understanding customer needs, overcoming failures and – above all, telling your own story – surely resonated with all in the room.
Why unique experiences matter: “You can’t place enough value on people being heard, seen and remembered” – @ImMollyBloom #SDSummit
— Leslie A. Marshall (@LeslieAMarshall) May 8, 2018
And love @ImMollyBloom‘s message: You can’t fail in business of any kind if you focus on the customer, their needs and wants, and making sure they feel they’re being heard #SDSummit
— Megan Heuer (@megheuer) May 8, 2018
#SDsummit So refreshing to see @ImMollyBloom own her story, her mistakes and use them to her advantage. Thanks Molly!
— Jeff Seymour (@JeffJSeymour) May 8, 2018
Summit 2018 is sure to be the best Summit yet! Whether you’re in attendance in Las Vegas or wishing you could be there, be sure to check out for more recaps and follow #SDSummit on Twitter for the latest event buzz.