The CX Cast

Research-based guidance on how to manage customer experience (CX) at any organization — an imperative that Forrester has been researching for over 20 years. Each week, Forrester analysts discuss key findings from their latest research on CX; analyze relevant topics in the news; or chat with CX professionals about how they’ve overcome prevalent challenges managing CX in their organizations.

Latest Episodes


62: Introducing Forrester’s B2B Tech CX Index

The CX Cast August 3, 2016
Forrester has used its CX Index to help consumer brands assess their experiences’ business value. Now, we’ve created a version of the CX Index that addresses the unique needs of customer experience (CX) pros in business-to-business (B2B) technology companies: So we’re introducing the B2B Tech CX Index here. This new methodology helps B2B tech firms assess how […]

61: Mobile Onboarding Best Practices

The CX Cast July 28, 2016
On average, mobile apps lose three-quarters of their active users within the first three days of installation — and 90% within the first month of use. In response, many brands try to onboard new users with a tutorial that bogs them down and distracts from the main value of the app. In this episode, we […]

60: Etsy Invests In Customer Understanding To Steer Growth

The CX Cast July 13, 2016
Customer understanding is the bedrock of great CX. However, many firms struggle to build customer research programs that produce the aligned and actionable insights to drive meaningful change. In this episode, Analyst Kelly Price discusses Etsy’s approach to building a cross-functional collaborative research function that keeps the company focused on its customers as it grows. […]

59: Playing The Long-Game: Stories From Forrester’s CXNYC 2016 Forum

The CX Cast July 1, 2016
Customer values and behaviors have shifted and most organizations are struggling to catch up. Even the leading firms are struggling to keep up. But at least they’re playing the long-game: overhauling their business strategies, cultures, and ecosystems to align with these changing values and behaviors. In this episode, we discuss the remarkably candid business transformation stories […]

58: The Most Popular Customer Journeys To Map

The CX Cast June 16, 2016
Wondering which journeys to map? Consider taking a hint from what customer experience (CX) pros have been mapping over the past couple years. Forrester analyzed more than 150 journey maps that it helped clients create in a broad range of industries over the past two years and identified some common themes in what CX pros […]

57: Improving The TSA Security Line Experience

The CX Cast June 9, 2016
Since the start of the summer travel season, the internet has been inundated with stories about mile-long TSA security lines and unconscionable wait times at airports. While airlines, airports, and the TSA have spent plenty of time throwing the blame around, little has been done to remedy the situation. In this episode, we discuss how TSA […]

56: Coming Soon: Forrester’s 2016 Forum For CX Leaders In NYC

The CX Cast June 2, 2016
The nuts and bolts of basic CX programs are well understood — identify problems that hamper the customer’s journey, fix them, repeat. But leading firms have moved beyond this approach and play the long game, and that requires a fundamentally different set of chops. In this episode of CX Cast, VP and Research Director John […]

55: How To Add Speed And Scale To Customer Insights

The CX Cast May 26, 2016
We discuss fast and scalable ways for customer experience (CX) professionals to shape business decisions with direct customer engagement. Click the title below to read more: Brief: Six Ways To Add Speed And Scale To Customer Insights

53: The Evolution of Voice Of The Customer Programs

The CX Cast May 12, 2016
Structured surveys have been the workhorse of customer experience (CX) measurement programs, but often fall short in capturing real-time insights about the totality of an experience. In this episode, we speak with Paul Hagen, head of Customer Experience and Innovation Strategy at West Monroe Partners, about the evolution of voice of the customer (VoC) programs from […]

52: How To Set Employee Goals That Drive Great CX

The CX Cast May 5, 2016
To consistently deliver great experiences, companies must align employee goals with customer metrics. To get it right, companies must make employees accountable for parts of the experience that they control. In this episode, we discuss how to empower employees to assume accountability for CX results. Click the title below to read more: How To Set […]

51: How Forrester’s Customer Experience Practice Has Evolved Over 17 Years

The CX Cast April 28, 2016
We speak with Forrester’s Vice President of Customer Experience, Moira Dorsey. Before taking on the challenge of improving experience for Forrester’s customers, she led the customer experience research practice. She was intimately involved as our focus moved from digital experiences, to an enterprise focus, encompassing all touchpoints and activities, as well as the culture of […]

50: What The World Can Learn From Japan’s Exquisite Service Culture

The CX Cast April 21, 2016
What explains the consistent, high-quality customer-service of Japanese companies? Tune in to this episode to hear from Principal Analyst Ryan Hart as he explains Japan’s world-class “omotenashi” service culture and what CX pros around the world can learn from it to improve their own CX and customer service. Click the title below to read more: What […]

49: How To Spur Collaboration Across Your Customer Experience Ecosystem

The CX Cast April 14, 2016
Great customer experiences don’t happen by accident — they’re a result of well-orchestrated actions among your employees and partners. But collaborating to deliver this experience can be hard, especially when your workforce is vast and distributed. Luckily, a wide variety of collaboration tools exist to simplify information sharing. Forrester Senior Analyst TJ Keitt joins us […]

47: How Forrester Applies Its Own Customer Experience Research

The CX Cast March 24, 2016
Forrester’s Director of CX Research And Insights, Sarah Bloomer, joins us to discuss her work to improve the client experience inside of Forrester. Listen to how she translates client requests — like wanting more flexibility, or content that is consumable in the cracks of the day — into specific changes to Forrester’s products and services.

46: The Things That Keep CX Designers Up At Night

The CX Cast March 16, 2016
Customer experience pros know that they need to design emotionally compelling experiences that stand out from the crowd. But digital innovations risk being stymied by design tropes like overzealous push notifications and a predisposition towards screens. In this episode of CX Cast, we speak with Forrester analyst Andrew Hogan about what’s driving these worrying trends […]

45: Anchor Your CX Strategy In Customer Understanding

The CX Cast March 10, 2016
Great customer experiences stem from a company’s deep understanding of its customers’ motivations, goals, and behavior. This understanding is fundamental to breaking the cycle of asking and receiving feedback about the status quo to learn what customers are missing in an experience. But most companies aren’t conducting the proper research to support this deeper understanding. […]

44: The Big CX Questions Tackled By Forrester Consulting

The CX Cast March 3, 2016
In this week’s episode of CX Cast, we are joined by Dan Brousseau, head of Forrester’s CX consulting practice to talk about the big challenges they help clients with. Dan talks through the importance of having a CX strategy, and how deciding which customers you will not serve is as important as figuring out which […]

43: Three Types Of Invaluable Reports

The CX Cast February 24, 2016
Forrester CX Council Advisors Adele Sage and Amanda Brax return to discuss three types of Forrester reports that our clients have found to be incredibly helpful. Click the titles below to read more: How To Assess The Quality Of Your Customer Journey Maps Case Study: How Mercedes-Benz USA Fosters Customer Centricity Among All Employees Digital […]

42: Three Degrees Of Major CX Challenges

The CX Cast February 17, 2016
We speak with Forrester’s CX Council advisors Adele Sage and Amanda Brax about a few of the biggest challenges that our clients face and how we help them to tackle those challenges. Click the titles below to read more: Want Great CX? Make Everyone Do Their Part Where Are You On The Path To Customer […]

40: Loyalty Programs Unveil Your Most Loyal Customers

The CX Cast February 4, 2016
Loyalty programs are often touted as discount schemes that have little impact on customer relationships. But we find that when done right, loyalty programs encourage a company’s most engaged customers to identify themselves as fans of the brands. And we have the data to prove it. In this episode, we discuss how loyalty programs affect […]