The CX Cast
Research-based guidance on how to manage customer experience (CX) at any organization — an imperative that Forrester has been researching for over 20 years. Each week, Forrester analysts discuss key findings from their latest research on CX; analyze relevant topics in the news; or chat with CX professionals about how they’ve overcome prevalent challenges managing CX in their organizations.
Latest Episodes
15: US Spending Millions On Experiences Customers Don’t Want
The US federal government supports over 230 mobile apps and over 500 social media accounts not to mention countless websites. And in its 2016 budget, it proposed spending $35 million more for the US Digital Service, $105 million for digital services teams at 25 agencies, and tens of millions more for digital channels throughout the […]
14: Better Customer Experience Measurement Surveys And Beyond
Structured surveys have been the mainstay of most CX measurement programs. But despite their strengths and ubiquity, they fall short: insights derived from surveys often cover too few interactions or come too late in the game. In this episode, we explore how CX pros can compensate for the shortcomings of today’s typical experience surveys. Click the […]
13: Good Governance Makes Great Journey Maps
The art of journey mapping (done well) is a balance of governance and well-defined processes. In this episode, we explore how the right governance model, applied alongside an appropriate journey mapping approach, creates accountability, prioritization, and sustainability for CX journey initiatives. Click the titles below to read more: Adopt The Right Governance Model For Your Journey […]
12: Visa’s Technology-Driven Customer Experience Improvement
Fraud is a huge problem for credit card companies, banks, and customers – 20% of frequent card users have had their credit card declined. But Visa intends to reduce these mistakes with its new mobile location confirmation service, which uses smartphone location data to boost the accuracy of fraud detection algorithms. In this episode, we […]
11: How To Foster A Culture Of Customer Experience Innovation
Innovation is a hot topic these days, and it’s no surprise given the increasing pressure from customers to create novel experiences that stay ahead of the competition. And while there’s no shortage of opinions about why innovation is essential, few look at innovation from the perspective of the customer experience professional. In this episode, we […]
10: Your Employees Know What’s Wrong With Your Customer Experience
When experiences fail and the CX team doesn’t know why, it could be because they don’t systematically collect feedback from the one group that can provide insight about the entire ecosystem — employees. Employees’ feedback provides context for how customers perceive their experiences, helps identify process, policy, and technology hurdles that hinder experience delivery, and […]
9: What CX Professionals Can Learn From The Sharing Economy
In the past few years, thousands of companies including Uber, Lyft, Airbnb, and Lending Club have popped up to deliver peer-to-peer services to customers. As part of the sharing economy, these businesses are poised to disrupt incumbents in hospitality, travel, finance, and many other industries. And unlike some traditional companies that are driven by operational […]
8: What Makes Customers Feel That Companies Do What’s Best For Them?
Customer advocacy — the perception on the part of customers that a firm does what’s best for them, not just what’s best for the firm’s own bottom line — is a key driver of customer loyalty for financial services firms. So is customer experience quality. In this episode, we explore how experiences make customers happy and engender customer advocacy. […]
7: Finding The Right Inspiration To Transform Your Customer Experience
The path to CX maturity is long: Transformations typically take at least five years, and many companies stall before their metamorphosis is complete. To stay the course, CX pros and their colleagues should seek and share regular doses of inspiration to demonstrate the benefit of delivering great CX, solve specific customer experience problems, and infuse new thinking […]
6: How To Create Better B2B Customer Experiences
Outstanding business-to-business (B2B) customer experiences ensure that every stakeholder in a client account gets the value they seek. Given the number of potential stakeholders in a given account, this can seem like a daunting task. In this episode, we explore how CX professionals at B2B companies can foster collaboration across their CX ecosystems. Click the […]
5: Modern User Experience: It’s More Than Usability
Today user experience (UX) is a robust field combining elements of product design, service design, and innovation. And it’s an essential capability to bridge businesses’ and customers’ goals. But most customer experience professionals maintain a narrow view of UX as limited to usability testing or user interface design. In this episode, we explain what separates […]
4: How To Elicit Top-Shelf Work From Digital Agencies
Digital design agencies now offer iterative, user-centered design processes to help their clients create quality work on tight deadlines. But too many potential clients are stuck in the past, wasting time on slick presentations and myriad rounds of approvals instead of solving customer problems. In this episode, we explore how customer experience professionals can rethink […]
3: Are You Revealing Too Much (Or Not Enough) To Your Customers?
Many CX professionals are blind to the line of visibility — the critical divide between what customers see and don’t see during an experience. Failure to carefully consider where this divide belongs can mean the difference between a quality experience, and one that unintentionally airs your company’s dirty laundry to the outside world. In this […]
2: Federal Chief Customer Officers
Hundreds if not thousands of leading corporations have created chief customer officer (CCO) positions in recent years to help them become more customer-centric. Now US federal government agencies are toying with the idea of adding CCO positions and four have already taken the plunge. In this episode, we discuss how federal CCOs can help achieve […]
1: Build A Shared Customer Experience Vision
The foundation of great CX is solid strategy executed by people sharing a common vision. But most companies will find that their employees don’t have a shared understanding of the intended customer experience. In this episode, we explain how to effectively align around a CX vision. Click the titles below to read more: A Picture’s […]