Welcome to Forrester’s Marketing BlogJam!
I lead Forrester’s Marketing Strategy and Technology research team. One of the things I love about being an analyst at Forrester is the interaction I have every day with my colleagues, clients, and other industry players. Few people get the opportunity to work with such a smart, motivated, and creative group of people as we have at Forrester. Unfortunately, so many of the interesting conversations we have never make it to print – they are forgotten or left on the cutting room floor.
Our team will use this blog as a forum to share insight on news events as well as some of the great conversations we have internally. Analysts will post individually about topics within their perspective coverage areas. But, the cool new thing that we’re going to try here is to share insight to an internal weekly jam session in which we brainstorm ideas about a topic and share the results here – unedited. We think this will help us get ideas out faster (without the constraints of editors) and solicit input on those ideas more efficiently.
Analysts, in general, tend to do a lot of espousing and we want this blog to be an open forum where we share ideas, solicit feedback, and develop our thinking as a community dedicated to the intersection of marketing and technology.
Happy blogging!