Blog Tag Continues: Five Things You May Not Know About Laura Ramos
So it looks like Peter Kim and Eric Kintz have innocently conspired to whittle away at the precious little time standing between me and a long end-of-the-quarter winter’s break. While some corporations may frown on an employee spending a few minutes to join a game of corporate blogging, I suspect the outcome will be both a little surprising and beneficial to the bloggers who decide to play. The Internet has truly made the world a much smaller place, as I believe this blog tag game will show. Here’s my contribution, 5 things about me that some of you may not have suspected:
1) I was born in Japan, but am not a Japanese citizen. (My dad was in the US Navy for 23 years.)
2) During college summers, I worked onboard Navy ships in San Diego for the Naval Sea Support Center (See a common theme here?)
3) Everyone in my immediate family plays golf. While my handicap is too embarrassingly high to mention (my 9-year-old daughter occassionally hits the ball farther than I do,) my 14-year-old son’s handicap is around 12 and my husband’s is a 9. As further proof of our golf insantity: over the summer, we had an artificial putting green installed in our backyard.
4) Former White House Chief of Staff, Leon Panetta, was the featured speaker at the 1993 Economic Forecast that I chaired for the Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University. Which is ironic because I have become SUCH a stauch conservative since them.
5) Equally ironic, I shook Al Gore’s hand in Google’s lobby about 3 years ago. I washed it off in the ladies’ room afterwards.
Here are blog writers whose progress I follow — Ardath is a classmate from high school that re-connected with me via this blog, Dan is my first research manager at Giga, Richard is a former analyst colleague and dear friend, and Alan Cohen, Bill Crounse, James Taylor, and Darren Wesemann all shared their thoughts about corporate blogging with me recently. I’ve never met Jon Miller, but he pays special attention to B2B posts on Forrester’s blog. As far as ensemble blogs go, you should pay EDS a visit.