Forrester eBook Contribution: The One Piece Of Advice You Can’t Generate Leads Without
B2B marketers: asked me to participate in authoring an ebook about the one piece of advice marketers simply cannot generate leads without.
This 36-page report was published today and includes advice from not only yours truly, but also Jill Konrath, author of Selling to Big Companies, Brian Carroll, author of Lead Generation for the Complex Sale, Suzanne Lowe, author of Marketplace Masters – How Professional Services Firms Compete to Win, and Ardath Albee, B2B Marketing Strategist, Marketing Interactions (with whom I’ve played blog-tag previously.)
Please take a look and download from:
I look forward to seeing your posts and comments on this. Feel free to pass it on to your B2B marketing colleagues.
Tags: B2B marketing, lead generation, demand generation::
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