Five questions for social computing strategy
I had "dinner" at Can Paixano last night – talk about being social!
During the day, there was a lot of talk about social computing initiatives and we tweeted quite a bit of it. As I hear about different brands, industries, and technologies, some questions keep coming to mind:
- Does it integrate with our existing marketing strategy?
- Does it build our brand?
- Does it drive profitable business results?
- Can we measure it?
- Will it scale?
There are probably more questions; these are the highest-level ones that keep coming to mind when I hear people speaking about what they’re doing or recommending to clients.
Good case study examples should answer all of those questions – we’re past social computing 101. Brands still need 101-type information and there’s still a lot of learning left out there. What it means is that people who are put on stage these days as experts should be delivering the goods, better.