Customer Reference Programs Survey Link
For those of you frustrated by the survey tool at which I pointed my last post, I would like to apologize for wasting your time and missing the opportunity to engage you when you were most interested.
Merv and I are are providing expertise and contributing the Forrester brand name to the Customer Reference Forum for this survey. We are not working directly with the survey execution team. The CRF has been terrific to work with, but I did not check a few of the small details on survey access parameters before posting this and now those details have bitten me as links that don’t work or make the survey look closed when it is not. This is also why I haven’t replied in Web 2.0-time to your posts pointing out the problem.
I think the area of research will prove very interesting as we bring it out early next year. For those of you still willing to participate — thank you so much for your patience! — you can find the survey link here.
Again, thanks for your patience and support on this.