Forrester Podcasts for Information Management Professionals
At Forrester, we're always looking for new ways to engage with our readers. Most often, our written research into workplace trends and technologies is the catalyst for this engagement. But we're also coming to realize that the way Information Management professionals consume research is changing.
For better or worse, you have more devices, more tools for connecting with others, more information, and less time to sort through it all. As a result, we're now offering Forrester podcasts for information management professionals via this blog and iTunes. While an admittedly traditional analyst like myself still considers Forrester’s rich data and reports to be the "gold standard" of our research investments, we're committed to helping clients fit their use of research into their busy schedules. To this end:
- We're podcasting on a mix of topics. Most recently, Claire Schooley hosted a series of team podcasts on everything from Leslie Owens’ must read books and blogs for information management professionals to Boris Evelson's advice on "BI Belt Tightening in a Tough Economic Climate." You can expect to see us produce podcasts on practical how-to’s as well as Forrester’s perspectives on must-read sources that we believe will have a lasting impact on your career success as an Information Management professional.
- We'll continue to try a variety of formats and topics. We've learned that not all formats or information management topics work well in a podcast. So expect to see us include interviews, debates, and briefing-style market updates in the mix. Rest assured, there will be no shortage of strong opinions. As always, your reactions to what’s most useful is always welcome.
- Expect more to come. Recent podcasts like Rob Koplowitz’s insights on taking a long-term view of collaboration strategy planning are just the beginning. We'll be highlighting some of the latest podcasts each quarter via this blog. For no-hassle feeds, consider subscribing via iTunes here or via our podcast feed here. This will give you the latest advice and insights from the entire Forrester Information Management team.
Let us know your thoughts on the podcasts. We'll be following feedback closely for ways to make them more effective and useful for you.