Sharvanboskirk [Posted by Shar VanBoskirk]

In Q1 I met with an SEO automation vendor called Altruik.  Under development since 2006, Altruik launched in January and provides a technology solution to help dynamic (and static) sites get top search engine rankings.

Before Altruik, I'd had a spate of updates from search marketing automation tools (Marin Software, Kenshoo, Omniture Search Center, Coremetrics), but all focused on the paid search side.  Altruik was the first enterprise-level technology I had met dedicated to SEO.

I think we are at the beginning of a major trend here.  I think we can expect to see the development of more technologies that turn search marketing project work into tech-enabled processes.  And why not?  Altruik charges a $7500 installation fee and then $500-2000/month (depending on site complexity) to guarantee rankings.  Pretty nice price compared to $150-200,000/site pricetag standard for most agencies.