Successful Integrating Marketing For Consumer Goods (and My First Doc as a Marketing Leader)
[Posted by David Cooperstein]
Twitter: @minicooper
This morning my first new document at Forrester went live since 2002. I remember the thrill of having a whole new set of things to talk about at business meetings when those reports came out. Having shed my history as a Telecom and Retail expert, I am now more firmly focused on the issues that face Marketing Leaders, as they try to marry traditional and interactive marketing efforts.
This first report is a quick study on how low consideration brands, like soap, snacks, and sinus meds can be relevant online with some case studies from brands — like Suave and SunChips
— that worked with consumers (clients, see the report here: “Integrated Marketing Strategies For Low-Consideration Brands“). It builds on a theme that Forrester calls “borrowed relevance” in which brands can become relevant provided the message ties well with the content and the medium it is presented in – be that television, banner ads, branded content sites or social media efforts. The key is to integrate marketing carefully across channels, so that indirect marketers of consumer goods can engage their consumers in discussion and brand promise, and still drive them to the store to purchase. The right integrated message will drive interest, and ultimately sales, if crafted correctly.