For the past few years, we've updated a report called, "Where To Find Help For Web Design Projects." It's a survey of interactive marketing agencies — one that can be fairly complicated to fill out. Hopefully, the report serves as one of the first stops for companies looking for agency help for online design projects because it seeks to compare some basic capabilities and focus areas of as many firms as are willing to fill it out.

Because it's difficult to fact-check every detail reported with every agency, sometimes the data by the time we publish the report is already out of date. And sometimes (hopefully less often), there are minor mistakes that everybody misses before the report gets published. This time, it was that the name of the agency Direct Partners was listed as Skip Reed — the name of the member of the executive management team who filled it out. So, if you're interested in an agency in the report called Skip Reed, you'll find it at Sorry about the error!