The Data Digest: Why Are Twitter Users So Attractive To Marketers?
As some of you might know, I'm quite an active twitterer. Earlier this month, there was a lot of discussion on Twitter about how unique we all were. Why? Because only a very small percentage of people actually tweet regularly. Forrester's Technographics® data shows that only 11% of US online consumers tweet monthly, while more than 84% say that they never tweet.
So who are these “tweeps,” and why are they so attractive to marketers? As one would assume, people who tweet monthly or more display many characteristics of early adopters: They are more educated, more likely to own a smartphone, more likely to be male, and more likely to have a higher income.
What really makes them unique, and at the same time very interesting for marketers, are their attitudes:
- They are heavily influenced by brands. More than 40% of those who use Twitter monthly or more frequently agree with that owning the best brand is important to them — twice the number of total US online consumers!
- They spend more money. People who tweet monthly or more report that they spent almost $870 online in the past three months — almost $300 more than the average US online consumer.
- They post their opinion – everywhere. Not only are people who tweet monthly or more tweeting about products and services; they are also sharing their opinions much more frequently than the average US consumer, and through a variety of channels. This in and of itself is reason to invest in additional human resources to respond to tweets directed at your brand. While their reach may not be solely through Twitter, you can be assured that what they say will carry great magnitude as they infiltrate other social networks (both offline and online).