Are You Prepared To Meet The Needs Of Your Hyperconnected Customers?
Today’s customers are highly empowered, hyperactive, and incredibly distracted by all of the options available to them for connecting with the things and people that matter to them most. These customers come to you with highly complex goals that they themselves cannot always accurately define — goals for which they don’t necessarily follow the seemingly logical linear paths you’ve laid out for them. As customers multitask their way through stages of information gathering, evaluation, purchase, and servicing, they connect with multiple outside sources that influence and transform their goals if they don’t hijack them altogether.
Gone are the days of the funnel when companies could lure customers with big promises and push them through a set of steps that would lead to purchase. Today, customer processes are far more complicated than ever, and while many firms believe that the purchase is the endpoint of an experience, for many customers, it’s just the beginning. Instead of taking a fragmented approach, firms need to look at the broad customer journey and understand how they can meet their customers’ needs when and where their customers want to interact. They need to understand their customers’ context and weave together a unified experience that matches the expectations customers have of the brand according to their in-the-moment needs.
On June 25th, I’ll present a session called, “Understand The Connected Customer” at Forrester's Forum For Customer Experience Professionals East in New York. I’ll show how customer behaviors are changing and how these changes require new ways of thinking and operating. I’ll talk about the importance of a journey-based approach to customer experience delivery and the role of context and show examples of how companies are unifying the overall experience to cater to today’s dynamic customers who blur the lines between connected and disconnected, physical and digital, as well as work and home. If you want to know more about how to engage with today’s customers, please join me for this session. I hope to see you there.