Today, a press release announced that SiriusDecisions has published its first SiriusView™ on the marketing automation platform (MAP) market. This research study features reviews of 12 leading marketing automation platform vendors: Act-On, Aprimo, Eloqua, eTrigue, IBM Unica, LoopFuse, Marketo, Neolane, Pardot, Sales Engine International (formerly Manticore Technology), Silverpop and TreeHouse Interactive.

Today, a press release announced that SiriusDecisions has published its first SiriusView™ on the marketing automation platform (MAP) market. This research study features reviews of 12 leading marketing automation platform vendors: Act-On, Aprimo, Eloqua, eTrigue, IBM Unica, LoopFuse, Marketo, Neolane, Pardot, Sales Engine International (formerly Manticore Technology), Silverpop and TreeHouse Interactive. They were scored on their depth of functionality, essential elements (services/support) and vendor strength.

Through the comprehensive 13-page document (including text, data grid and graphic visually depicting the vendors’ ranking), the differentiation points of each marketing automation platform are crystallized. The tumultuous nature of the marketing automation platform market was an area we chose not to examine in a granular manner. That noted, there are three key aspects of the marketing automation platform market – and specifically about the 12 companies we covered in this report – that I wish to draw out below.

During the last 12 months, out of the dozen companies we profiled: 

The reason I highlight these three areas is that they display the speed with which the marketing automation platform market is growing, and the degree that the MAP market is simultaneously changing both in competitive landscape and competitive positioning. What does this mean for the market as a whole? Hyper-growth, increasingly complex partnership agreements, and very likely several more acquisitions and mergers before our next SiriusView on the marketing automation space is published.