Aaron Katz

VP, Research Director

Forrester Bio

Author Insights


Forrester’s AI Webinar Series: Navigate The Choppy And Exciting Waters Of Enterprise AI

Sudha Maheshwari June 7, 2024
AI is having — and will continue to have — a profound impact on how data scientists, software engineers, and other job functions perform their roles. Get tips on how to define, build, and implement your enterprise AI strategy with the help of Forrester's AI Advantage client webinar series.

Bridge The Trust Gap Between AI And Impact

Brandon Purcell September 14, 2022
With most emerging technologies comes a period of confidence-building, but AI presents its own unique trust challenges. Learn how to start overcoming them.

Get AI Right With AI Service Providers

Aaron Katz September 13, 2022
AI can deliver value, but getting it right is a challenge. We’ve seen AI deployed successfully, like the program that discovered 20,000 undeclared pools, and less successfully, like the computer-generated rapper that was dropped by its record label over racist stereotypes. To apply AI successfully, you not only need to get the data and modeling […]

The Insights Beat: This Summer, Take A Trip To Insights Capabilities Paradise

Aaron Katz June 24, 2022
Summer is here, and you deserve a vacation. Whether you’re camping by the lake or snorkeling off the coast, you (likely) won’t be thinking about data, but this summer can still be a good opportunity to build your insights capabilities. In this edition of the Insights Beat, we will cannonball into the business insights team’s […]

Data Into Dollars: Can You Turn Your Data Into Revenue?

Aaron Katz June 2, 2022
Forrester's research shows that advanced insights-driven businesses were 8.5 times more likely to report at least 20% revenue growth in 2021.