Brandon Purcell

VP, Principal Analyst

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Trusted AI Begins And Ends With Alignment

Brandon Purcell 3 days ago
What do discrimination, harmful content, unexpected outcomes, and catastrophic business failure have in common? They are all potential consequences of misaligned AI. They are also largely avoidable. Misaligned AI erodes trust among employees, customers, government, and other stakeholders, and trusted AI holds the key to enterprise AI success. Without trust in AI, enterprises will not […]

Introducing AI Alignment: A Technology Point Of View

Brian Hopkins 3 days ago
Before 2022, software development primarily focused on reliability and functionality testing, given the predictable nature of traditional systems and apps. With the rise of generative AI (genAI) models, however, the concept of model and AI alignment has become increasingly crucial. I had the privilege of contributing to a groundbreaking report titled Align By Design (Or […]

Happy AI Appreciation Day! (Yes, That’s A Thing.)

Brandon Purcell July 16, 2024
With all of the attention bestowed on AI, it may feel as though every day is AI Appreciation Day. Today — on the actual AI Appreciation Day — we look at its impact on companies and on society and how hesitant leaders can get on board.

Master The Art Of Decision-Making

Aldila Yunus June 12, 2024
In a world where data is as abundant as clarity is elusive, mastering the discipline of decision-making is more important than ever. Many organizations and leaders fall short at decision-making, approaching it intuitively rather than analytically. For those in charge of an organization where success relies on their ability to optimize business decisions, a mystery […]

GenAI Just Got A Little Less Opaque

Brandon Purcell May 22, 2024
Learn why a new paper from AI startup Anthropic brings up a broader conversation about the value of AI explainability.

Wield Invisible Experiences Like A Ring Of Power

Brandon Purcell February 8, 2024
It’s an iconic scene — the Ring of Power flying through the air in slow motion as Frodo tumbles to the floor of the Prancing Pony. As drunken revelers look on and the ring slips onto his finger, the small, frightened hobbit vanishes into thin air. Frodo Baggins is invisible. And so begins Frodo’s fraught […]

Use Biden’s Executive Order To Jump-Start Your Responsible AI Practice

Brandon Purcell November 30, 2023
Whether your organization is preparing for impending regulation or trying to bridge the AI trust gap with customers and employees, the executive order can help you prioritize your efforts. Here are four responsible AI practices to begin implementing now.

Biden’s Executive Order On AI Is Broad In Scope And Laser-Focused On Spurring Innovation Without Undue Risk

Alla Valente November 1, 2023
The new executive order calls for a “societywide effort” from government, the private sector, academia, and civil society to address eight AI priorities.

Align AI By Design (Or Risk Decline)

Brandon Purcell October 23, 2023
You can’t afford to sit back and wait on the opportunities in AI. But you can’t afford to deploy misaligned systems either. What do you do? Learn how to Align By Design.

Do You Understand GenAI? You Need To, Especially If You’re A CX Leader

David Truog October 3, 2023
Do you understand generative AI? Forrester’s data shows that 54% of AI decision-makers believe their organization’s executive team is “very familiar” with it — but we’ve observed widespread misunderstandings among execs of what it is, how it works behind the curtain, and what it can do. So last week we published a new, FAQ-style report […]

Explainability Is Necessary For AI’s Success

Brandon Purcell August 14, 2023
For business leaders looking to create transparency in their AI models, explainable AI technologies have emerged as a solution to engender stakeholder trust. Learn more about them in this post.

Harness The Power Of AI For Good

Brandon Purcell July 16, 2023
What are four of the most impactful uses of AI in recent years? Find out in this AI Appreciation Day blog.

Recommended Recommenders

Brandon Purcell May 3, 2023
Our new report, Rev Your Recommendation Engines With New Techniques, breaks down four recommendation methods. Get a preview here.

When Profits And Principles Collide, Everyone Loses

Brandon Purcell March 17, 2023
Microsoft's recent layoff of its entire ethics and society team serves as a powerful reminder to companies to take charge of their own ethical destinies.

NIST AI Risk Management Framework 1.0 — What It Means For Enterprises

Michele Goetz February 7, 2023
Forrester provides guidance on how to succeed with AI governance with the NIST’s AI RMF 1.0.

Advertisers Beware: Facebook’s First Foray Into Fairness Is Flawed

Brandon Purcell January 11, 2023
Meta announced its plans to ensure fairness in how it distributes ads for housing as part of a settlement with the US DOJ. But ensuring fairness in AI will remain a challenge. Learn more.

Anticipate Your Customers’ Next Best Experiences

Julie Ask November 17, 2022
The future of experiences will be driven by analytics, and many of them will be anticipatory.

Bridge The Trust Gap Between AI And Impact

Brandon Purcell September 14, 2022
With most emerging technologies comes a period of confidence-building, but AI presents its own unique trust challenges. Learn how to start overcoming them.

Get AI Right With AI Service Providers

Aaron Katz September 13, 2022
AI can deliver value, but getting it right is a challenge. We’ve seen AI deployed successfully, like the program that discovered 20,000 undeclared pools, and less successfully, like the computer-generated rapper that was dropped by its record label over racist stereotypes. To apply AI successfully, you not only need to get the data and modeling […]

Business Roundtable: Roadmap für verantwortungsvolle KI

Brandon Purcell 25 August 2022
Erhalten Sie eine detaillierte Analyse der kürzlich veröffentlichten Roadmap des Business Roundtable für verantwortungsvolle KI.
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