Gene Leganza
Vice President, Research Director

Author Insights
The 2021 Forrester And InfoWorld EA Awards Contest Winners Focus On Agility And Enabling Innovation
In the Forrester/InfoWorld Enterprise Architecture Awards competition, we look for the most dramatic stories of EA’s strategic leadership and concrete business impact. The winners of the 2021 Forrester/InfoWorld Enterprise Architecture Awards show a close focus on business results with a particular eye to enabling innovation across the enterprise plus an agile approach to technology implementation. […]
Call For Entries: The 2021 Enterprise Architecture Awards
Most organizations started 2020 planning to tackle digital transformation, innovation, and customer obsession. But then the global pandemic exploded everyone’s agendas, requiring lightning-fast reprioritization and rapid implementation of technology solutions to address a drastically changing work environment. The best enterprise architecture (EA) teams were directly involved in responding to the crisis while continuing to enable […]
Predictions 2021: Customer Insights Practices Continue To Evolve
Firms have gotten better at acting on customer insights. So, what will customer insights leaders do in 2021 to ensure that this improved understanding moves the needle on CX? Something new and different. Learn why in our customer insights predictions for 2021.
Drive Your Digital Business With Data — The Data Strategy Track At Forrester’s Data Strategy & Insights Forum
Get a detailed preview of the data strategy track at the upcoming Forrester Data Strategy & Insights live virtual event.
The 2020 Forrester And InfoWorld EA Awards Contest Winners Focus On Business Architecture, Digital Transformation, And Governance
In the Forrester/InfoWorld Enterprise Architecture (EA) Awards competition, we look for the most dramatic stories of EA’s strategic leadership and concrete business impact. The winners of the 2020 Forrester/InfoWorld Enterprise Architecture Awards show the value of a close relationship with the business, a solid vision for enabling digital transformation, and effective governance practices — not […]
Call For Entries: The 2020 Enterprise Architecture Awards
Digital transformation, innovation, and customer obsession top businesses’ strategic agendas. Enterprise architecture (EA) teams must enable these goals with the right technology roadmap and with internal operating models that can help enterprises attain their goals. EA programs have left behind their old role of centralized and largely disengaged planning and have moved pragmatically into making […]
Predictions 2020: Approaches To Customer Insights Evolve
The coming year will bring changes in approaches to deriving customer insights. Only some firms will succeed.
Data Strategy & Insights 2019: Solving The Human Skills Problem
Data and analytics expertise of all kinds is getting tougher to find and retain. Get advice for recruiting and retaining data and analytics professionals.
Winners Of The 2019 Forrester And InfoWorld EA Awards Contest Show Strengths In Business Architecture, Realizing A Vision For Digital Transformation, And Architecture Governance
In some past Forrester/InfoWorld Enterprise Architecture Awards competitions, we had named themes to align entries and winners to the current needs of modern enterprise architecture (EA) programs. This year, as last year, we went themeless to simply find the most dramatic stories of EA’s strategic leadership. The winners of the 2019 Forrester/InfoWorld Enterprise Architecture Awards […]
Call For Entries: The 2019 Enterprise Architecture Awards
Digital transformation, innovation, and customer obsession top businesses’ strategic agendas. Enterprise architecture (EA) teams must enable these goals with the right technology road map and with internal operating models that can help enterprises attain their goals. EA programs have left behind their old role of centralized and largely disengaged planning and have moved pragmatically into […]
Data Strategy & Insights 2018 Forum Workshops Deliver Immediate Dividends
I’m getting more and more psyched about our first-ever Data Strategy & Insights 2018 Forum as I work on the sessions with my colleagues here at Forrester and with our external speakers. The topics are spot on for what organizations need from data and analytics today, and the sessions are going to be inspirational and […]
Winners Of The 2018 Forrester And InfoWorld EA Awards Contest Show EA’s Role In Digital Transformation
In past Forrester/InfoWorld Enterprise Architecture Awards competitions, we had named themes to align entries and winners to the current needs of modern enterprise architecture (EA) programs. This year, we went theme-less to simply find the most dramatic stories of EA’s strategic leadership. But the winners of the 2018 Forrester/InfoWorld Enterprise Architecture Awards show that there […]
Call For Entries: The 2018 Enterprise Architecture Awards
Most organizations today recognize the need to become customer-obsessed digital businesses. They need to map out customer touchpoints to fully understand their customers’ experiences and interactions with their firms’ processes and those of their partners. They also must transform their internal operating models and technology foundations, creating new systems of engagement and systems of insight […]
The 2017 Enterprise Architecture Awards
This Year’s Winning EA Initiatives, Brought To You By Forrester And Infoworld, Drive The Customer-Obsessed Digital Business Any enterprise architects worth their salt can tell you how strategic enterprise architecture is, but the fact is that most EA programs struggle. The problem? Getting the enterprise to act strategically in the face of the need for […]
You May Not Need A CDO — But Wouldn’t You Want To Improve Your Odds Of Success?
Jennifer Belissent and I just published a report on the role of the Chief Data Officer that we’re hearing so much about these days – Top Performers Appoint Chief Data Officers. To introduce the report, we sat down with our press team at Forrester to talk about the findings and about the implications for our clients. Forrester PR: […]
Big Changes In Information-related Roles And Processes — Evolution Or Apocalypse?
It’s not news that business user self-service for access to information and analytics is hot. What might not be as obvious is the overhaul of information-related roles that is happening now as a result. What’s driving this? The hunger for data (big, fast, and otherwise) to feed insights, very popular data visualization tools, and new […]
Predictions For The Data Economy In 2015
The data economy — or the system that provides for the exchange of digitized information for the purpose of creating insights and value — grew in 2014, but in 2015 we’ll see it leap forward significantly. It will grow from a phenomenon that mainstream enterprises view at arm’s length as interesting to one that they […]
How Will The Data Economy Impact Enterprise Architects?
No self-respecting EA professional would enter into planning discussions with business or tech management execs without a solid grasp of the technologies available to the enterprise, right? But what about the data available to the enterprise? Given the shift towards data-driven decision-making and the clear advantages from advanced analytics capabilities, architecture professionals should be coming […]
Forrester’s Information Strategy And Architecture Survey Will Establish Current Management Practices In A Rapidly Changing World
It's becoming pretty clear that the ability to analyze data is becoming one of the most important technology-based capabilities an enterprise can have. There's a lot of hype around about big data, and it's actually well-founded hype — if that's not a contradiction (perhaps I should call it well-founded fanfare). In any event, our world […]
Chief Data Officers Are A Good Idea — But How Is That Going To Work?
It seems to be popular these days amongst industry pundits to recommend that organizations add a new Cxx role: the Chief Data Officer (CDO). The arguments in favor of this move are exactly what you'd think: the rapidly accelerating importance of information in the enterprise, and, as important, the heightened perception of the importance of […]
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