John Bratincevic

Principal Analyst

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Author Insights


The Rise Of Application Generation Platforms

John Bratincevic May 7, 2024
AppGen platforms will integrate the steps of software analysis, development, security, testing, and delivery by providing TuringBots for both low-code and high-code development spanning every step — all while incorporating the principles of agile and DevOps along the way.

It Ain’t Just AI: What We Saw At Google Cloud Next

Lee Sustar April 16, 2024
Google recently held its Google Cloud Next conference four months early to unveil new AI offerings and upstage its rivals. Get a detailed review of all of the announcements at the event in this post.

The Low-Code Market Could Approach $50 Billion By 2028

John Bratincevic January 29, 2024
According to a recent survey, 87% of enterprise developers use low-code development platforms for at least some of their work. Find out what’s driving the growth in the low-code market in this preview of a new report and forecast.

Low-Code Opens Up New Opportunities For Marketers To Elevate And Control Martech

Joe Stanhope September 22, 2023
Low-code application development is revolutionizing how enterprises develop technology. Any tech ecosystem in which multiple applications, data sources, and processes intersect is ripe for low-code innovation. Martech is notoriously complex and dynamic, so it’s no surprise that low-code is finding its way into the marketing department. Marketing adoption of low-code appdev is still nascent, but the […]

New Research: Will AI Kill The Low-Code Market? 

John Bratincevic September 20, 2023
The short answer is no but the long answer is much more intriguing.

Do You Use Low-Code For Marketing? We Want To Hear From You!

Joe Stanhope April 11, 2023
If you’re using low-code application development to support marketing, we want to hear from you.

Agile + Low Code = Digital Transformation Rocket Fuel

Diego Lo Giudice January 27, 2023
The missing piece in digital thinking today is low-code. Learn how low-code platforms and agile values, principles, and practices all fuel each other.

How Shell Led A Citizen Developer Movement

John Bratincevic November 14, 2022
How to establish, govern, and scale a citizen developer strategy is the most common low-code inquiry topic from Forrester clients — and Forrester data shows that at least two-thirds of firms currently have a citizen developer strategy or plan to have one in the next 12 months. In 2021, Forrester identified three common structures for […]

OutSystems Buys Ionic: What It Means

Andrew Cornwall November 8, 2022
On November 7, OutSystems announced that it had acquired Ionic. A few years ago, that would have shaken the mobile development industry, and even today, it will cause vibrations in parts of it. We see three major dynamics in application development that are shaping the future of software development and this market: The scarcity of […]

Agile And Low-Code: Rocket Fuel For Digital Transformations

Diego Lo Giudice September 7, 2022
A truly digital business quickly implements and continuously improves all its policies, processes, and procedures in software. There are many new practices and technologies that can help organizations innovate and deal with constant change.

Is Low Code For Dummies?

John Bratincevic May 16, 2022
Does lowering the technical bar to develop software mean that low-code is just for those who can’t do better? Our research shows the answer is a clear "no."

Our Take On The Microsoft Power Apps Portals Data Leak

John Bratincevic September 1, 2021
In light of the recent Power Apps portals data leak, learn three key points about the security of low-code platforms.

It’s Likely You Already Have Low-Code Developers — Get Them Into Your Security Neighborhood

Sandy Carielli January 4, 2021
Security pros should work to integrate security into the developer experience to ensure customer-facing applications are secure. Consider these three points to get started.

Low-Code Development Requires A Security Rethink

Sandy Carielli July 31, 2020
Low-code platforms speed delivery of applications, but are they secure? The answer is more complicated than I expected when I started this research project with my colleagues, John Bratincevic and John R. Rymer. We’re still gathering information, but we’ve discovered that: Low-code security is not well understood. Even vendors with extensive security investments acknowledged that […]

Amazon The Disrupter Enters Low-Code Market; Doesn’t Disrupt Anything

John Bratincevic June 26, 2020
The newly released Honeycode low-code product is not the market disrupter many expected from Amazon. Find out why.

Citizen Developers Dominate Audience Q&A At A Recent Conference On Low Code

John Bratincevic May 27, 2020
I recently participated in a low-code conference at the invitation of Ninox, a low-code vendor. My colleague John Rymer gave the keynote, and we then had a lively discussion largely focused on citizen developers. Conference attendees hailed from (literally) all over the world; many were young entrepreneurs building businesses on low-code platforms or businesspeople solving […]

Meet John Bratincevic, Forrester’s Newest AD&D Analyst

John Bratincevic March 31, 2020
As a new analyst on Forrester’s application development research team, allow me to introduce myself. Let’s start with what is probably your most pressing question — how to pronounce my surname:  “I’m just going to call you ‘John B.’ Is that OK?” Yes, of course, no need to suffer. What else would you like to know? “ . . . Maybe tell me about yourself?” I’m married, I have two young sons (the […]