Joe Stanhope

VP, Principal Analyst

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Author Insights


Customer Data Platforms Show That Playing The Long Game Pays Off

Joe Stanhope September 19, 2024
Forrester has published The Forrester Wave™: Customer Data Platforms For B2C, Q3 2024. It’s an exciting moment because this is the very first Forrester Wave evaluation for this category. Given the heavy buyer and vendor interest in customer data platforms (CDPs), it evokes the obvious question: “What took you so long?!” For context, consider the […]

Welcome To The Future Of Marketing Technology

Joe Stanhope March 26, 2024
Modernizing marketing technology requires an ecosystem approach. Learn the four strategic capabilities that should be prioritized in a martech ecosystem.

2024 Is The Make-Or-Break Year For CDPs

Joe Stanhope January 26, 2024
I’m pleased to announce the publication of The B2C Customer Data Platform Landscape, Q1 2024. Forrester’s landscape research is a valuable resource for marketers to understand and differentiate the range of solutions available to them in a very dynamic market. As consumer data platforms (CDPs) approach mainstream adoption, Forrester’s coverage emphasizes practicality and granularity, such […]

Art Offers An AI Reality Check For Martech

Joe Stanhope January 16, 2024
Hanging prominently in the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City is a giant infographic that explores the physical, technical, and social components of modern artificial intelligence. Kate Crawford and Vladan Joler’s 2018 “Anatomy of an AI System” is a visual essay that spares no detail as it traces the lifecycle of an […]

Predictions 2024: CMOs Prioritize Practicality Over Purpose

Mike Proulx October 25, 2023


Low-Code Opens Up New Opportunities For Marketers To Elevate And Control Martech

Joe Stanhope September 22, 2023
Low-code application development is revolutionizing how enterprises develop technology. Any tech ecosystem in which multiple applications, data sources, and processes intersect is ripe for low-code innovation. Martech is notoriously complex and dynamic, so it’s no surprise that low-code is finding its way into the marketing department. Marketing adoption of low-code appdev is still nascent, but the […]

The Latest And Greatest Marketing Measurement Service Providers

Tina Moffett August 23, 2023
The marketing analytics category — which spans software services that help measure marketing and media efficacy — has grown significantly in the past three years. According to Forrester’s data, adoption of unified measurement methods has increased by 13% since 2021; marketing mix modeling is one of the top five technologies a marketer plans to use […]

Do You Use Low-Code For Marketing? We Want To Hear From You!

Joe Stanhope April 11, 2023
If you’re using low-code application development to support marketing, we want to hear from you.

Martech’s Cornerstone Category Proves That Less Is More

Joe Stanhope September 6, 2022
Enterprise marketing suites are the foundation of the marketing technology stack. This is especially true during turbulent times as B2C marketers confront a range of challenges and opportunities such as changing consumer needs, data deprecation, and a post-pandemic/pre-recession economy. The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Marketing Suites, Q3 2022 is Forrester’s newest coverage of this critical martech […]

Manage Your Martech, Or It Will Manage You

Joe Stanhope June 17, 2022
Your marketing strategy is DOA without the tech to back it up. That means CMOs can’t afford to take a passive approach to martech.

The End Of An Era: Moving Beyond The One-Size-Fits-All Marketing Cloud

Joe Stanhope April 28, 2022
Learn how marketing clouds are embracing a platform strategy and specializing across marketing, customer experience, and data & analytics.

Introducing The Forrester Wave™: Marketing Measurement And Optimization Solutions, Q1 2022

Tina Moffett January 31, 2022
Joe Stanhope and I are excited to announce the publication of The Forrester Wave™: Marketing Measurement And Optimization Solutions, Q1 2022. This report evaluates the top 10 vendors’ current offering, strategy, and market presence for their unified measurement and optimization solutions. The 2022 Forrester Marketing Measurement Wave evaluation will help B2C marketers select the best […]

Predictions 2022: CMOs Emerge As Emboldened Business Leaders

Mike Proulx October 26, 2021


Focus On The Customer And Spare The Stagwell-MDC Partners Merger Drama

Jay Pattisall June 25, 2021
Last week, shareholders of MDC Partners successfully delayed a special meeting of the board of directors and shareholders to vote on a proposed merger with the Stagwell Group’s Stagwell Media. At the heart of this matter are demands for more shareholder compensation and concerns over control of the new company by Stagwell Group Founding Partner […]

An Agency Decision Is A Technology Decision

Joe Stanhope June 23, 2021
Companies that rely on agencies are, by extension, reliant on their agency’s technology capabilities. Our new research helps buyers evaluate agencies' technology strategies so they can make the right choice.

The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Marketing Software Suites, Q2 2021 — Martech’s Cornerstone Realigns In The Face Of Disruption

Joe Stanhope April 26, 2021
I’m excited to announce “The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Marketing Software Suites, Q2 2021.” The timing couldn’t be better, because the world — marketing included — has changed dramatically in the 18 months since the previous EMSS evaluation in October 2019. Unprecedented social, regulatory, and economic factors like data deprecation remain top of mind and are […]

A Privacy Primer For Marketers

Joe Stanhope April 16, 2021
Privacy is firmly in the limelight as businesses weigh in on whether privacy is a human right and legislatures around the world debate new regulations and protections for consumers. Marketers are on the front lines of customer engagement, championing the consumer within the enterprise and taking an active role in privacy discussions.  But for marketers who aren’t already privacy […]

The Future Of Consumer Buying Will Drive The Reinvention Of Your Business

Joe Stanhope September 17, 2020
The relationship between consumers and businesses is undergoing a multifaceted transformation based on four factors: the economic impact of marketplaces, next generation product experiences, consumers’ perception of brand values, and brands’ adoptions of business models. Any firm that sells to consumers must understand how these factors will influence their customers as well as their own business, and they need to start planning now to harness these trends to maximize the value of customer relationships. 

Drive-To-Store Et Nouveaux Comportements D’Achats : Le Futur Du Commerce

David Truog 9 Septembre 2020
L'évolution des attentes des consommateurs fait entrer les marques B2C dans une nouvelle ère. Découvrez les quatre forces qui vont définir l'avenir des achats B2C.

Vast, Fast, And Relentless: The Future Of How People Buy

David Truog September 9, 2020
The way people buy products and services has been evolving rapidly, and the fast and furious pace is only accelerating — sinking some companies while creating immense opportunity for others, new and old. Discover the four forces that will define the next era of consumer buying.
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