How Can CX Tools Elevate Your Brand? Find Out At Forrester’s Consumer Marketing Forum
Marketers work hard to define their brand promise and build their customer engagement strategy to showcase it. But we know that, in the end, all the hard work only pays off if the customer receives, and remembers, the brand as intended across all touch points. If your ad campaigns promises care-free travel, but the customer’s flight is delayed and baggage lost — they will remember the disconnect, and punish you accordingly.
The upshot? Marketers must ensure that their organizations make a positive, lasting impression on customers that aligns with its brand promises.
At Forrester’s upcoming Consumer Marketing Forum (April 5-6), we’ll break down this challenge, starting with “Elevate Your Brand With CX Tools And Signature Moments.” In this presentation, we’ll highlight the importance of the brand-customer experience connection, and how customer’s emotions impact their experiences (and it does — in 20 of the 21 industries included in Forrester’s CX Index, emotion is the strongest driver of customer loyalty.) But while knowing that emotions matter is a good start, how can companies make sure customers actually feel and recall the right emotions? It isn’t easy. To help we’ll share our Signature Moments framework, and highlight the ways that firms can integrate signature moments into existing experiences. To hear a preview – check out this episode of the CX Cast podcast that Sam and Jenny co-host.
Then a group of thoughtful customer experience executives will discuss what they’ve learned about designing, implementing, and refining signature moments in their customer experiences, as well as how they help equip employees to evoke positive customer emotions that deliver long-term loyalty.
Interested in hearing from other industry pros and learning how to introduce signature moments to your experience delivery? Learn more about the upcoming Consumer Marketing Forum here.