RSA Conference 2020: What I’m Looking For This Year
Counting down the days! My RSA Conference schedule is set, and I’ve stocked up on hand sanitizer. Here’s my game plan:
· Look for innovation in data security. I keep coming back to “the basics” of understanding data and context about data, which isn’t so basic or easy. I’ll be on the lookout for how technology offerings discover where data is located to provide visibility and how these tools identify and classify what data is sensitive. The ability to define data remains a challenge for many organizations today. I’ll also be on the hunt for technologies that support how companies can better control and protect data — and not just the confidentiality of data but also its integrity to prevent data tampering and manipulation.
· Take the pulse of intersections between consumer and enterprise security. The lines between work and home are blurred. Chris Sherman and I teamed up to explore threats from the connected home and consumer internet-of-things (IoT) risks (report soon to publish!). I also have research in progress now relating to protecting employees at home and research on secure communications planned for later this year. I’ll be keeping an eye out for relevant IoT threat research and conference sessions, as well as technologies and services relating to consumer privacy, home and personal cybersecurity, and executive protection.
· Be social and meet new people. I spend most of my time at RSAC in 1:1 meetings in the maze of security vendor booths in Moscone (#AnalystLife). Sometimes the last thing I want to do is talk to another human after emerging from Expo depths. Yet some of the best conversations, nuggets of insight, and sparks of ideas I’ve had from past RSACs have come from serendipitous exchanges while standing in line or sitting down next to another conference attendee and saying hello.
See you soon at RSAC! You can also find me on Twitter: @heidishey