• Since the SiriusDecisions Messaging Nautilus was launched, many organizations have enjoyed success with the model
  • B2B leaders want to hear stories about how their peers have adopted the framework and the value they saw
  • SiriusDecisions Summit often features client stories to show how organizations have successfully deployed our models

Who’s done it? This is a common question we get from clients when introducing SiriusDecisions B2B models and frameworks. It’s understandable. In addition to learning about best practice research, sales, marketing and product, leaders want to hear stories about how their peers have adopted the framework and the value that was realized.

It’s been a year since SiriusDecisions launched the Messaging Nautilus™, a revolutionary methodology for creating audience-centric content. Easily the most popular topic of coverage in our Portfolio Marketing service, the Messaging Nautilus™ has garnered wide market interest and numerous client adoptions. At our Summit 2015 event held in Nashville, many participants attended the session that showcased clients who have “done” the Messaging Nautilus™.

In the track session “Messaging Nautilus™: Client Vignettes,” I hosted two clients who shared stories that described how their organizations have successfully shifted to creating messaging that connects with buyers.

  • UplandSarah Boyd is director of marketing for Upland Software, a highly acquisitive and fast-growing company that has implemented the Nautilus. She discussed, from a centralized marketing perspective, how the leadership team achieved buy-in and adoption from multiple business units.
  • Glenn Gibson, product marketing manager for Hyland Software, told the story of how he and his team leveraged the Nautilus to proliferate persona-based messaging and content throughout the organization. He related the light-bulb moments that enabled him to accelerate the messaging development process.

HylandThe Messaging Vignettes session brought to life the organizational experience of changing to adopt new processes and methodologies. It was evident from the active Q&A portion at the end of the session that attendees were inspired and energized by the tips they received on how to get their organizations started on the path of creating audience-centric messaging.

Whether you were at Summit and missed this session or didn’t make it to Nashville and would like more information, please contact us for more information about the Messaging Nautilus™ and the related client case studies.