machine learning

The emergence of machine learning (ML) has tremendous power. Learn how to harness that power, and manage the concurrent risks, with our insights.

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Forrester’s Top 10 Emerging Technologies For 2024: As AI Dominates, Security Becomes Paramount

Brian Hopkins June 25, 2024
Forrester’s list of the top 10 emerging technologies for 2024 reflects the continued dominance of AI but also emphasizes the growing importance of security in our increasingly connected world. Get a deep dive on the top 10 list in this blog post.

Announcing The Forrester Wave™: Continuous Automation And Testing Services, Q2 2024

Diego Lo Giudice June 14, 2024
We evaluated 13 of the top continuous automation and testing services players. Get three key takeaways in this preview of the new Wave report.

Six Technologies Will Make Digital Experiences More Humanlike (And GenAI Is Just One Among Them)

David Truog June 3, 2024
The future of human-machine interaction will be drastically more humanlike in six ways — creative, conversational, perceptive, embodied, physical, and personified — as a result of six emerging technologies. But these technologies are still immature, and the road ahead is fraught with challenges.

Build Your GenAI Strategy On A Rock-Solid Foundation (Model)

Rowan Curran April 16, 2024
The market for AI foundation models is still in its infancy. While enterprises still rely mostly on pretrained large language models for AI needs, the market is evolving and changing quickly. Tech leaders must understand how to navigate it.

Five Ways That Generative AI Brings Superpowers To Portfolio Marketers

Beth Caplow April 5, 2024
Portfolio marketers have a broad role, from keeping up to date on market intelligence and developing go-to-market strategies and messages to launching offerings and training sellers. Learn five ways generative AI can help portfolio marketers automate tasks and increase productivity and creativity.

New Tools And Strategies For Managing Technical Debt

Watch this on-demand webinar to explore new tools and strategies for keeping technical debt under control, including a demonstration of Forrester’s Technical Debt Modernization And Migration Scenario Tool.

GenAI’s World-Changing Power Is Putting Knowledge To Work

Brian Hopkins December 14, 2023
Generative AI will not just disrupt — it will shatter markets, industries, and economies in waves over the next 10 to 15 years. We sense this, but why and how will this happen? We think that generative AI drives the cost of knowledge activation to zero and creates a virtual knowledge loop that increases what is known in the world by more people. We are launching deep research into this topic and invite you to join us.

Avoid Zombie AI Projects With Our Best Practices

Download our AI myths and best practices guide. Learn how to avoid missteps, prioritize value, and move AI projects out of limbo with quick wins.


Predictions 2024 For Technology Leaders

Learn how to put our 2024 tech predictions into action and tackle some of the top challenges tech leaders will face – like talent and growth by leveraging the power of AI.

Orbiting Back On A Year Of Generative AI As We Slingshot Ourselves Into The Future

Rowan Curran November 29, 2023
A year after the release of ChatGPT, we take a look back at where it all started, where things stand today, and where we can expect generative AI to go in 2024 and beyond.

Biden’s Executive Order On AI Is Broad In Scope And Laser-Focused On Spurring Innovation Without Undue Risk

Alla Valente November 1, 2023
The new executive order calls for a “societywide effort” from government, the private sector, academia, and civil society to address eight AI priorities.

Workday AI Marketplace To Arrive In 2024, Allowing Customers To Supercharge AI & ML Deployments

Akshara Naik Lopez October 19, 2023
Learn how Workday's newly announced AI marketplace will help its customers find and deploy Workday-trusted AI solutions.

AI And Generative AI For The Software Development Lifecycle

Diego Lo Giudice September 19, 2023
Learn six key points that a TuringBot pilot program should address.

The Latest And Greatest Marketing Measurement Service Providers

Tina Moffett August 23, 2023
The marketing analytics category — which spans software services that help measure marketing and media efficacy — has grown significantly in the past three years. According to Forrester’s data, adoption of unified measurement methods has increased by 13% since 2021; marketing mix modeling is one of the top five technologies a marketer plans to use […]

One Destination, Many Paths: The Content Engagement Solutions Landscape

Phyllis Davidson July 24, 2023
B2B marketers spend ample time seeking better ways to engage their audiences, convert them to buyers, and retain them as customers. While content is central to engagement, audience expectations for contextually relevant, personalized content know no limits. To get content right, technology is key, but there are many paths to the ideal content destination. In […]

Deliver Trusted Data By Selecting A Suitable MDM Solution

Jayesh Chaurasia June 20, 2023
In the era of insights-driven decision-making, master data management (MDM) plays a crucial part by ensuring consistency, accuracy, and reliability of enterprise data. MDM capabilities are a cornerstone of success for companies striving to leverage data as a product in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. Selecting and investing in the right MDM platform is a […]

AI And B2B Marketing: Three Opportunities And Challenges To Ponder

Phyllis Davidson June 15, 2023
In the most promising areas of AI impact in B2B marketing, prudence, too, is advised as marketers explore use cases.

Key Findings From Forrester’s Latest BI Research, Including The Forrester Wave™: Augmented Business Intelligence Platforms, Q2 2023

Boris Evelson June 14, 2023
Enterprise business intelligence (BI) continues to be the last mile to insights-driven business capabilities. No matter what technology foundation you’re using — a data lake, a data warehouse, data fabric, data mesh, etc. — BI applications are where business users consume data and turn it into actionable insights and decisions. The BI market has thrived […]

Can Synthetic Data Help Deliver On The Promise Of AIOps?

Carlos Casanova May 9, 2023
Tools leveraging ML models in dynamic environments must be continuously fed new data in order to adapt to changing conditions and goals. They need to learn as much as possible about their new environments before being fully able and safe to provide service and ultimately deliver value. Synthetic data can help address these and other AI/ML challenges.

Recommended Recommenders

Brandon Purcell May 3, 2023
Our new report, Rev Your Recommendation Engines With New Techniques, breaks down four recommendation methods. Get a preview here.

The Humanlike Future Of Interactions With Machines

David Truog April 27, 2023
In a major, accelerating trend, interactions between people and machines are becoming more like those between people.
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