Paul Miller

VP, Principal Analyst

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Author Insights


The Future Of Mobility Must Bring Change In The Air, Too

Paul Miller 2 days ago
The future of mobility means much more than electric vehicles or autonomous mobility. Any discussion of the future of mobility must consider the movement of individuals and small groups, the movement of larger groups, and the movement of goods. Learn more in this preview of an upcoming client webinar.

The Circular Economy Is Brought To You By The Letter R

Paul Miller July 4, 2024
Learn how the five Rs can help manufacturers participate in the circular economy: reduce, reuse, repair, refurbish, and recycle.

Hannover Messe 2024: We’re All In This Together

Paul Miller May 1, 2024
It wasn't all AI, but it was mostly AI. Get our top takeaways and impressions from Hannover Messe 2024, the smart manufacturing world’s annual trade show.

The State Of Digital Experiences In Manufacturing In 2024

Paul Miller March 27, 2024
On-the-glass and below-the-glass technologies drive digital experiences in manufacturing and help manufacturers adapt to changing customer demands, optimize production processes, and enhance collaboration across the supply chain. Learn how in this preview of our new report.

Manufacturers Use Emerging Technologies To Find A Mix Of Factory Locations That Is Just Right

Paul Miller March 5, 2024
Offshoring. Nearshoring. Rightshoring. Learn how emerging technologies such as ubiquitous sensing, distributed computing, AI, and data fabrics are being used to determine the optimal manufacturing mix.

Prévisions 2024 : L’industrie 4.0 (Smart Manufacturing) fait marche arrière

Paul Miller 26 Octobre 2023
En 2024, Forrester prévoit qu'un pragmatisme salutaire viendra gagner le secteur industriel. Pour en savoir plus, consultez nos prévisions sur l’industrie 4.0 (ou Smart Manufacturing) en 2024.

Predictions 2024: Smart Manufacturing Walks Back Prior Plans

Paul Miller October 26, 2023
In 2024, Forrester predicts that a healthy pragmatism will take hold in manufacturing. Learn more from our 2024 smart manufacturing predictions.

Prognosen 2024: Smart Manufacturing muss frühere Pläne revidieren

Paul Miller 26 Oktober 2023
Für 2024 prognostiziert Forrester, dass ein gesunder Pragmatismus in der Fertigung einziehen wird. Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Prognosen zum Smart Manufacturing für 2024.

The Industrial Metaverse Is A Good Idea That Needs A Better Name

Paul Miller August 22, 2023
The industrial metaverse doesn’t exist yet, but many of its building blocks do — and already connect physical and digital experiences to deliver value in asset-intensive industries like manufacturing.

When Is The Right Time To Invest In The Cool New Thing?

Paul Miller August 17, 2023
Not every emerging technology succeeds. Read more on how you can cut through the noise to work out when and where to commit your company’s finite resources.

Find The Right Use Cases For Your Robots

Paul Miller June 22, 2023
There is no general-purpose robot. Let Forrester help you match different types of robots to specific tasks.

Stories Are Key To Successful Innovation

Paul Miller June 22, 2023
Leadership storytelling helps executives at future fit organizations drive successful innovation throughout the innovation lifecycle.

The Robots Are Not Coming — They Are Already Here: The Future Of Physical Automation Will Be People-Driven

Craig Le Clair May 31, 2023
Physical automation is sneaking into many workplaces and customer experiences. Learn more about the trends that will drive adoption of 10 critical physical automation categories.

Volkswagen’s Woes Remind Us That Combining Hardware With Software Is Hard

Paul Miller May 13, 2023
The Volkswagen Group bet big on a new software division called Cariad, committing billions to building the software meant to power in-car experiences for Audi, Porsche, VW, and other group brands. Software delays hit the launch of new cars, and Cariad lost $2 billion in 2022. A “structural and personnel realignment” sees new leadership for […]

Hannover Messe 2023: It’s Back

Paul Miller April 28, 2023
Hannover Messe 2023 was bigger than last year, with lots of ChatGPT and metaverse, but also a welcome dose of pragmatism.

Responding To Today’s Global Uncertainty With Sustainability

Paul Miller March 14, 2023
Last year, a number of Forrester analysts discussed how manufacturers are responding to the challenges their industry faces right now. As I wrote at the time: “Energy prices are scary. Supply chain disruptions are scary. Workforce modernization and empowerment are hard. Budgets are tightening. Hardware upgrades are expensive, slow, and painful. Aligning the competing (or, […]

Help Forrester Evaluate The Use Of Smart Manufacturing Maturity Assessment Tools

Paul Miller December 14, 2022
Forrester invites feedback on the current state of smart manufacturing maturity assessments by completing this short survey.

Responding To Today’s Global Uncertainty With Smart Manufacturing

Paul Miller November 11, 2022
“If you want to get there, I wouldn’t start from here.” It’s easy to present beautiful visions of a digitally augmented future, full of shiny new machines (all from the same manufacturer, of course), empowered workers, and AI magic. It’s easy, but it’s often a long way from the reality facing most manufacturers today. Energy […]

Industry 5.0? No Thanks!

Paul Miller November 4, 2022
Industry 4.0 has been a big idea in manufacturing for the past decade or so, but moves are unfortunately afoot to prematurely crown a successor: Industry 5.0. While the ever-shorter refresh cycles for smartphones have apparently become an unfortunate fact of consumerist life, industrial revolutions really should come along with a lot less frequency! Industry […]

Prévisions 2023 : Smart Manufacturing

Paul Miller 4 Novembre 2022
Découvrez les prévisions de nos experts Forrester sur les tendances du Smart manufacturing pour l'année 2023.
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