Forrester’s B2B Survey: Web 2.0 and Customer Marketing
[Posted by Laura Ramos]
For the past 3 weeks, Forrester has sponsored a B2B marketing survey on Web 2.0 and Customer Marketing Program Trends. So far, we have received 185 responses from marketers like you. I thought you might like to see a preview of one of the more interesting findings.
When it comes to Social Media use and Web 2.0, B2B marketers I talk with usually raise the topic of blogging. They want to know "who is doing it well?" and "what benefits have they achieved?" In the survey, when we asked "Which statement BEST describes your corporate experience with blogging so far? (Please select one response)," B2B marketers told us:
Despite what most perceive as rapidly growing interest and activity around blogging as a B2B channel, over 50% of respondents don’t (yet) sponsor a corporate blog or are still setting their strategy.
What’s more: 75% don’t yet consider it a key element of their marketing mix. We have uncovered other valuable insights into online video/podcasting use, Web 2.0 benefits, and customer marketing program maturity that we are anxious to share with you.
Interesting? Sure. But I would like to know more. If you haven’t answered our survey, will you take 15 minutes out of your busy schedule today, click on the following link, and tell us about your experience?
All respondents will receive a copy of our published research at the conclusion of the survey. (Reponses will be kept confidential.)
If you have taken the survey already, then please accept our thanks and appreciation. We’ll be back in touch when the research is published.
We will keep the survey open until Monday, February 11. If you know someone who would be willing to participate, please feel free to forward this post or the link to him or her.
Your contribution makes our research the most relevant, insightful, and actionable. Thank you again for helping us create research that helps inform and set your B2B marketing activity.
Tags: B2B marketing, social media, marketing research ::
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