Notes from the road… When I’m naked, I’m blind
You may remember that I complained about web sites that use illegible text in January.
Back then I promised to write about 'some "day in the life" scenes from a person with crummy eyesight (me).' I'm sorry that I forgot about that promise until this week when I made a business trip to Europe and found myself struggling to identify the shampoo…
I suppose that I ought to be grateful to Hilton for supplying me with the oh-so-nice Crabtree And Evelyn toiletries, but the packaging made it hard for me to tell what's in the bottle. My eyesight is so-so when I have my glasses on … but I don't wear them in the shower.
I found myself squinting at the bottles in the bathroom, struggling to make out at least a few letters of the word "Shampoo". It seems that Hilton (or Crabtree) had decided that an entirely "blue theme" would be very attractive. Let's get some blue liquids, put them in blue-white tubes, and label them with some tiny blue writing that blends into the whole thing…
So I stopped my shower, donned my spectacles, read the labels and positioned the bottles strategically. (Shampoo on my left, Conditioner in the middle, Body wash on the right).
I imagine that the decision to go with this packaging was made in a dry, well-lit meeting room. And I expect that all the decision makers had perfect eyesight or wore fancy designer spectacles. What a shame that is for Hilton's visually challenged guests.
Next time the team from Hilton has a discussion with Crabtree and Evelyn about bathroom amenities, I suggest that they hold the meeting in the shower. And I mean shower on, clothes off.