Respond To The Unknown With Competitive Advantage, Not Panic
Jump scares are those crazy moments in films, video games, horror films, or haunted attractions that are usually preceded by a quiet moment and have you involuntarily jumping. You are responding to a rush of adrenaline. Here’s an unexpected one in the movie “The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring,” where scary Bilbo makes an appearance:
That same rush of adrenaline can happen when you are responding to an unexpected business incident or event. Simply put, we panic. Without a tested, planned response, this can cause confusion and errors that can cost the company time, money, and/or loss of reputation. An enterprise that suffered an electrical disruption had one team working to failover a data center to a secondary site and another team working to bring up the site in place — AT. THE. SAME. TIME. As a result, they were down for days over a minor issue because, in their panic, they botched the recovery.
Alternatively, you can have capabilities in place that make recovery a given and even have the ability to pivot to new opportunities — new customers or new markets. These resilience practices are part of the future fit tech strategy, along with adaptive and creative. In the new report “Business Resilience As A Competitive Advantage,” we cover the seven pillars of business resilience that will give your company the capabilities it needs to not only survive but thrive during the next crisis or incident. You won’t even flinch.