Two Minutes of Advice for B2B Marketers On Content Marketing Platforms
In April 2017, I completed a Wave report on content marketing platforms (CMPs) – specifically, Contently, Kapost, NewsCred, Opal, Percolate, ScribbleLive, Skyword, Spredfast, and Sprinklr – for B2C marketers.
B2B marketers asked: What about us? Which platform suits B2B content marketing best? The same ones that suit B2C content marketing? What makes them different? Will you publish a report about it?
I address those questions here, last to first:
Will I publish a report about this?
Yes. I just did. It’s not a Forrester Wave report, but it uses the data from the wave report and reweights it according to the specific needs of B2B content marketing.
What makes the best CMPs for B2B marketers different?
A few things: B2Bers more commonly work with larger and more intricate content formats (White papers! Product sheets!). They often have a greater focus on lead nurturing. And they often have less access to enterprise insights and analytics resources. These, and other factors, demand higher or lower weighting for B2B content marketing.
Do the same CMPs perform best for B2B, as for B2C?
Yes, and no. A CMP’s core functions – content calendars, good production workflows, searchable libraries – are as relevant for both groups. So CMPs that excelled for B2C marketers, such as Percolate and Sprinklr, are also relevant to B2B marketers. But they’re not as often going to be the MOST relevant.
Which platform suits a B2B marketer most?
Mileage varies, but our analysis put NewsCred at the top of the stack, with Contently right behind. Vendors with high functionality may have little B2B footprint, and thus less focus on it; the opposite also applies. You’ll want to make a custom analysis based on your own B2B marketing needs.
Client? Read the report now. Not a client? Talk to your friendly neighborhood Forrester account person.