• SiriusDecisions Summit now includes a distinct technology track that features both foundational and advanced sessions
  • Many of these Summit sessions will have technology implications, making it critical for both business and operations leaders to attend
  • The future of B2B technology will be built on a series of layers that bring consolidated approaches to data, analytics and orchestration

Cooking and baking shows have taken the world by storm, and my household is no exception. My kids love to watch these sorts of contests, and the culinary abilities of the participants rarely matters. We’ve taken in everything from Top Chef to Worst Cooks in America, from The Great British Baking Show to Nailed It!, and even a little At Home with Amy Sedaris (highly recommend). Our current obsession? Buddy vs. Duff … the ultimate matchup in patisserie pros. Baked-goods-cake-close-up

One thing all these cooking shows have in common is layers. Either the bakers are trying to create the perfect set of complementary layers in their cakes, or the cooks are layering in flavor through their combination of ingredients. Interestingly, we see layers as the primary driving force in the future of B2B revenue technology as well.

Quickly fading are the days when one system, such as the marketing automation platform or the sales force automation system, serves as the center of the universe. To be authentic, adaptable and accountable while delivering meaningful experiences across channels in an artificial intelligence-informed way, organizations must create horizontal layers across their delivery systems. The three key layers are:

  • Data. Prepare and unify the raw information from the organization’s delivery systems so that it’s ready to be leveraged in analysis.
  • Analytics. Ask direct questions. Test hypotheses. Look for trends and find anomalies. This all occurs in the analytics layer, and the output should be deep insights into your organization’s prospects and customers.
  • Orchestration. Insights are only as good as our ability to act on them, and the orchestration layer allows us to take action across delivery mechanisms to create a coordinated experience for the audience.

Organizations that can reimagine the technology infrastructure under this architecture will gain a significant – and rapid – advantage in the market. But I digress … weren’t we talking about cake?

Let me just add that at this year’s Summit Gil Canare and I will be expanding on this topic of technology layers in our presentation, “The Future of B2B Technology: From Process to Experience.” We’re also featuring a number of powerhouse female leaders of business and technology.”

And, as if that weren’t enough, we’ve added a distinct technology track, focused on optimizing technology and service investments to drive transformational change in B2B organizations across product, marketing and sales.

Here are just some of the Summit sessions for which the technology implications are critical:

“SiriusFoundations: Technology.” Get started on tech basics with Jacques Bégin – this includes advice on how to focus on business requirements before bells and whistles.

Revenue Operations: Now Is the Time. This could be our most highly attended main stage session, as Dana Therrien and Kerry Cunningham show us the future that includes a fully integrated operations team.

Revving Your Revenue Engine With the Sales Technology Stack. You want more Jacques Bégin and you got it! This time paired with Robert Muñoz, he’ll put a sales lens on the revenue stack, giving a technical picture of what sales leaders need from opportunity to close.

Resourcing Technology: Trends of High-Performing Organizations. Want to know how to invest in people, programs and technology; what skills your team needs; and what strategies and actions set apart teams and leaders who deliver more? Jeff Clark and Alden Cushman have you covered!

“Marketing Automation Platforms: Extinction or Evolution?” Is this our “Let them eat cake!” session? Show up to find out from Laura Cross and Jonathan Tam as they explore the future of marketing automation platforms and what that means for the B2B tech stack.

“Programs of the Year: Technology.” Everybody wants to know what good looks like, but we’ve done you one better – here’s what GREAT looks like. This session features organizations that have done an outstanding job with technology, and Jessie Johnson will be your guide.

This year’s Summit is going to be our biggest and best yet, but at the same time, don’t let that overwhelm you – download our mobile app and start building your own agenda by adding track sessions, case studies and interactive experience rooms to fully customize your week!