Forrester Highlights Offerings To Help Clients Navigate A Turbulent Economy
In response to rapidly changing economic conditions and urgent client needs, Forrester Research, Inc. (Nasdaq: FORR) is leveraging the depth and breadth of its products and services to help business, marketing, and information technology (IT) professionals navigate the current financial crisis.
“In a challenging economy, Forrester is more relevant than ever,” said Forrester Chief Operating Officer Charles Rutstein. “We are helping our clients cut costs, drive greater performance, and position their products for growth. Our role-based strategy allows us to quickly recalibrate our products and services in response to changing market conditions.”
The current and future offerings include research, events, peer-networking, and consulting across the 19 roles Forrester serves.
For IT Professionals
- A cross-role, week-long jam session entitled “Do More Than Survive: How IT Can Excel In A Tough Economy” comprises five, 60-minute teleconferences aimed at helping IT professionals deal with tightening budgets in their organization.
- CIOs can attend a complimentary Webinar “Scenarios For 2009: How CIOs Should Prepare” or read research reports such as “CIOs: Must-Read Research In Economic Downturns.”
- Security & Risk professionals can participate in a complimentary Webinar “The Future Of Your Identity And Access Management Portfolio In Today’s Economic Climate.”
- Sourcing & Vendor Management professionals seeking a sourcing strategy in a down economy will get practical advice at Forrester’s Services & Sourcing Forum: Sourcing On The Fault Lines: Creating Value In A Volatile World, November 18-19, 2008, in Miami.
- Members of the Forrester Leadership Boards for IT professionals — an exclusive peer-to-peer executive community — can attend the teleconference “Managing In The Economic Turmoil.”
- Research reports such as “Topic Overview: Must-Read Information & Knowledge Management Research For An Economic Downturn” and “EA Pros: Must-Read Research In An Economic Downturn” are available and similar reports are available for every IT role that Forrester serves.
For Marketing & Strategy Professionals
- Interactive Marketing professionals looking to cut costs and deliver returns can listen to the complimentary Forrester Webinar “The Interactive Marketing Imperative” or teleconferences such as “Driving Consumer Product Strategies In A Global Recession,” and they can read the report “Brand-Building Online Content Matters For eBusiness And Channel Strategy In A Recession.”
- Consumer Market Research professionals who need insight into their customers’ current behavior will find valuable advice in the Forrester report “The Herd Effect And The Influence Of Technology On Consumer Behavior In A Crisis.
- All marketing and strategy professionals can learn how to anticipate consumer needs via the Webinar “Forrester’s Consumer Insights From 2008 And How To Success In 2009 And Beyond.”
- Members of Forrester’s CMO Group can attend the Webinar “Protecting What You Need And Eliminating What You Don’t,” which discusses marketing budgets and the recession.
- Members of Forrester’s Direct Marketing Council can participate in a dinner event “The Role Of Direct Marketing And Analytics During An Economic Downturn.”
For Technology Industry Professionals
- Vendor Strategy professionals seeking visibility into future IT spending can read “What The Financial Crisis Means To The Tech Market.” In addition, Forrester clients can access a related advisory session on this topic tailored to their individual market.
- Technology Product Management & Marketing professionals can attend the teleconference “Tech Marketer Success In A Down Economy.”
- Analyst Relations professionals under budget pressure should read the report “AR Cost Management In A Downturn.”
- Market Research professionals should read the report “Ten Ways To Recession-Proof Market Research.”
In addition, Forrester Research Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer George F. Colony offers senior executives his analysis of the technology industry’s future in his blog, Counterintuitive. Recent posts include “Why This Tech Recession Will Be Different” and “CIO Best Practices For Thriving In A Recession.”