Zachary Stone

Data Researcher

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Author Insights


The Low-Code Market Could Approach $50 Billion By 2028

John Bratincevic January 29, 2024
According to a recent survey, 87% of enterprise developers use low-code development platforms for at least some of their work. Find out what’s driving the growth in the low-code market in this preview of a new report and forecast.

Are B2B Buyers Cowards?

Ian Bruce January 24, 2024
No matter how big a game a buyer talks, less than a third of all buyers are risk-tolerant. Trust is the remedy to risk — and trusted companies are more likely to win and retain customers and enjoy a strong buyer preference.

Mature DevOps Organizations Embrace The Process

Christopher Condo November 6, 2023
So how does one go from adoption to excellence? Big picture: Reject false constraints. Learning and adopting high-end practices and technology can be done within any industry engaged in software development ... which is every industry.