Ian Bruce

VP, Principal Analyst

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Don’t Wait For A Crisis To Act

Ian Bruce 3 days ago
CrowdStrike's recent global incident underscores businesses' need to have robust crisis communication plans in place before a crisis occurs.

Disconnected Messaging Breeds Mistrust. How Can You Fix It?

Barry Vasudevan April 12, 2024
Disconnected messaging reflects a disconnected organization. Learn how bridging silos yields positive outcomes in this B2B Summit North America session overview.

CMOs Need A Measurement Strategy That Connects To Business Outcomes

Tina Moffett March 7, 2024
Instead of a single measurement approach, CMOs must adopt a layered measurement strategy that includes complementary approaches to reveal the full business value of marketing.

Are B2B Buyers Cowards?

Ian Bruce January 24, 2024
No matter how big a game a buyer talks, less than a third of all buyers are risk-tolerant. Trust is the remedy to risk — and trusted companies are more likely to win and retain customers and enjoy a strong buyer preference.

Many B2B CMOs Don’t Understand The Data Requirements For GenAI

Subhendu Pattnaik November 6, 2023
Rushing in to adopt generative AI (genAI) in marketing without setting the right foundation or assessing readiness is a mistake. Harnessing the benefits of genAI effectively requires huge amounts of data, both structured and unstructured, possibly from various different sources. Imagine this scenario: Your marketing team is working to launch a genAI-powered campaign that’s designed […]

Predictions 2024: With The Right Preparation, Your Organization Can Win Trust While Others Lose It

Stephanie Balaouras October 31, 2023
A focus on fundamentals such as empathy, dependability, and accountability will equip companies to weather a tumultuous year ahead.

Go Beyond The Hype: What B2B CMOs Should Do About GenAI Now

Ian Bruce October 11, 2023
The call to action for B2B marketing is to be agile, get active, and not stay on the sidelines of generative AI. Learn the four key areas your readiness assessment should focus on.

Brand Investments Are Up But Maybe Not Where You Think

Karen Tran August 14, 2023
Website/digital shows the biggest gains across both programs and headcount, continuing a long-running trend toward a digital-first investment strategy.

CMOs: Is Generative AI On Your Mind?

Subhendu Pattnaik July 26, 2023
I do not have to convince anyone today that generative AI (genAI) technology is a huge trend and a potentially massive disruption to the way work gets done. You know something is incredibly popular when your next-door neighbor stops you outside your door and starts talking about the out-of-the-world benefits (or their fears) of the […]

Can Generative AI Save Journalism?

Ian Bruce July 25, 2023
News organizations were early AI adopters. How AI evolves in journalism may hold lessons for other content-rich industries.

Generative AI Will Supercharge The Green Market Revolution

Abhijit Sunil July 16, 2023
The advent of generative AI brings immense potential for the technology to aid in areas of environmental sustainability efforts. This incudes measurement and reporting, research and revolution, and design and manufacturing, among others. Find out the details in this blog.

Who Do B2B Buyers Trust?

Ian Bruce May 11, 2023
The way in which buyers interpret and act on information is heavily colored by the source of the information. That has significant consequences for marketing and sales teams.

B2B Messaging Is Fractured, But It Doesn’t Have To Be

Ian Bruce April 5, 2023
B2B marketing teams create messaging for brand and product — often separately — that attempts to articulate differentiated value to buyers, customers, employees, and other stakeholders. What is abundantly clear from our research is that there is a significant challenge to ensure that all this messaging is connected and consistent. The Messaging Disconnect In Forrester’s […]

It’s Time To Reinvent B2B Corporate Social Responsibility

Ian Bruce February 13, 2023
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) used to have a bad rap, often relegated to philanthropic largesse and entirely disconnected from the core business. Those days are over. Today, B2B buyers are making purchase decisions based on CSR criteria, the best talent gravitates to companies that live their values, and investors and other stakeholders are rewarding companies […]

What Happens To Trust In Times of Economic Volatility?

Ian Bruce August 25, 2022
In times of extraordinary political and social instability, consumers turn to brands they trust. Get a data-driven look at why that is and how to make the most of it.

B2B Companies Take Action — To A Point — In Response To The War In Ukraine

Ian Bruce June 2, 2022
A recent survey of B2B organizations shed light on what they have been willing to do in response to the war and what has driven those decisions.

B2B Rebranding Is On The Rise

Ian Bruce March 14, 2022
One of the most consequential and long-lasting decisions a marketing leader can make is to change the organization’s brand. A brand’s messaging, positioning, and visual identity permeate all aspects of the company’s go-to-market activities and usually endure for many years. We frequently engage with clients on rebrands, helping them sort through the business justification and […]

B2B Sellers Must Reevaluate How They Build Trust With Buyers

Ian Bruce March 10, 2022
New Forrester research illustrates how complex B2B buyers' decision-making processes are and the value of building trust with buyers.

Most Thought Leadership Isn’t Thoughtful Or Leading: How Can We Fix That?

Ian Bruce March 9, 2022
Biased. Lacking substance. Dull. When we asked B2B buyers what they think about the content they receive from vendors, over 60% of respondents to Forrester’s 2021 Content Preferences Survey gave these unflattering opinions. Buyers are drowning in a sea of sameness. They fail to find any value in the content they receive, because much of […]

Who Are The B2B “Early Deciders”?

Ian Bruce February 14, 2022
Buyers' motivations are often complex. Digging into our data yields clues about those who make decisions early in the buying process.
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