Business Process Management (BPM)

Business process management (BPM) empowers businesses to run more efficiently and eliminates confusion and confliction. Learn more about BPM.



Automation Builders, Beware! Don’t Repeat The RPA Mistakes With Agentic Automation

Bernhard Schaffrik June 20, 2024
If robotic process automation bots are getting replaced by AI agents, will this lead to an unmanageable number of AI agents with overlapping functionalities? Get four tips to avoid this issue.

Master The Art Of Decision-Making

Aldila Yunus June 12, 2024
In a world where data is as abundant as clarity is elusive, mastering the discipline of decision-making is more important than ever. Many organizations and leaders fall short at decision-making, approaching it intuitively rather than analytically. For those in charge of an organization where success relies on their ability to optimize business decisions, a mystery […]

Balancing Personalization & Optimization In Commerce Search

Emily Pfeiffer April 2, 2024
Learn how to balance customer expectations and business needs with commerce search.

Cooking Up A Storm: AI Will Drive Process Industry Innovation

Bernhard Schaffrik December 15, 2023
Learn how cooking can be a metaphor for process simulation, an underestimated tool for manufacturers as they prepare their data for generative AI.

The Results Are In: Insights From Forrester’s 2023 Global Digital Process Automation Survey

Craig Le Clair September 15, 2023
Our 2023 digital process automation survey shows orgs paused digital transformation work but increased focus on process intelligence while process optimization has broadened. Learn more.

Announcing Updates To The Forrester Wave™ Evaluations Covering Automation Services

Leslie Joseph February 16, 2023
We are announcing changes to our Forrester Wave™ evaluations focused on the automation services market to better represent the rise of automation fabrics and the changing role of systems integrators, consultancies, advisory firms, and specialist services vendors in this space.

Chief Automation Officers Are The Answer … But What Is The Question?

Leslie Joseph July 21, 2022
Much of the current discourse around the role is marked by nonspecificity of purpose. Our new research uncovers some of the key considerations.

Pega Grapples With The Outcome Of The Appian Lawsuit

Rob Koplowitz June 28, 2022
On May 9th, 2022, a jury awarded Appian more than $2 billion for misappropriation of trade secrets by Pegasystems (Pega). On May 10th, Pega responded to the decision with this 8K filing to the SEC. The verdict, by any calculations, is huge. Since the verdict, multiple law firms announced legal actions on behalf of Pega […]

Is Your Organization Ready To Democratize Its Automation Strategy With Citizen Process Expertise?

Bernhard Schaffrik June 23, 2022
Runaway Automation Undermines Digital Transformation Success Automation is everywhere: In Forrester’s Q2 2021 Global Digital Process Automation Survey, 76% of respondents indicated they were driving toward end-to-end automation for most business processes. While we share this enthusiasm for automation, we have seen too many companies automate processes before they understand them. Organizations can solve — […]

Why Automation Vendors Can’t Stop Buying Optimization Vendors And What It Means For The Market And For You

Rob Koplowitz May 5, 2022
On March 31, Microsoft and Minit announced that the former was acquiring the latter. This is, by Forrester’s count, the eighth time a major automation vendor has purchased a process optimization vendor since 2020. Why are some of the biggest software companies in the world so eager to grab a slice of the relatively small […]

A Unified String Theory For Automation: Part 1, Transformation

Leslie Joseph October 18, 2021
In June this year, I coined the term “automation fabric” to describe emerging trends in the automation world. I wrote a report about it (see Automation Is The New Fabric For Digital Business). Since then, the trends that I pointed out have only been accelerating. In this two-part blog post, I wanted to outline my […]

ServiceNow To Partner With Celonis — What To Make Of This Announcement

Bernhard Schaffrik October 11, 2021
ServiceNow and Celonis recently announced a strategic partnership that is looking to create a closer linkage between ServiceNow’s low-code platform and Celonis’ Execution Management System. The partnership goes far deeper than your standard press release and actually includes some serious co-engineering by both firms, as well as an investment in Celonis by ServiceNow. We looked […]

Organizational Change Is About Orchestrating Organizational Systems

Christopher Gilchrist June 1, 2021
In our previous blog, we discussed the strategic shift from efficiency to effectiveness and the organizational implications from it. One implication is the ever-quickening pace of technology advancement and how organizations position themselves to exploit that advancement at scale to adapt or create new capabilities and services. The key element here is “at scale.” New […]

Three Human-Centered Imperatives For Our Tech-Enabled Future

Christopher Gilchrist April 8, 2021
Learn the three tactics your organization can use to shift from technology supporting business value to technology shaping business value.

The Path To Automation In Europe And Its Impact On The Future Of Work

Dan Bieler March 26, 2021
This report provides tech and business leaders in Europe with a checklist to avoid making the biggest mistakes and develop a solid framework for automation projects.

Three Business Scenarios Insurers Can Use To Navigate The COVID-19 Storm

Ellen Carney September 22, 2020


Citizen Developers Dominate Audience Q&A At A Recent Conference On Low Code

John Bratincevic May 27, 2020
I recently participated in a low-code conference at the invitation of Ninox, a low-code vendor. My colleague John Rymer gave the keynote, and we then had a lively discussion largely focused on citizen developers. Conference attendees hailed from (literally) all over the world; many were young entrepreneurs building businesses on low-code platforms or businesspeople solving […]

Predictions 2019: Automation Will Become Central To Business Strategy And Operations

J.P. Gownder November 6, 2018
Automation will be central to the next phase of digital transformation, driving new levels of customer value such as faster delivery of products, higher quality and dependability, deeper personalization, and greater convenience. Last year, Forrester predicted that automation would reach a tipping point — altering the workforce, augmenting employees, and driving new levels of customer value. Since then, […]

Accelerate Your Culture Practices For Digital Transformation

Michelle Beeson March 5, 2018
Successful digital transformations are underpinned by a strong digital culture, which is a huge enabler of change. But, for most organisations, cultural change is still the largest barrier faced for successful transformation and the most difficult to overcome. Forrester’s digital maturity model identifies three levels of maturity, each with common practices and each building on […]

IBM Jumps Into RPA Market With Automation Anywhere — Perhaps A Turn To More Practical Challenges

Craig Le Clair July 13, 2017
IBM and Automation Anywhere  (AA’s) today announced a collaboration (note-not a formal partnership yet) to integrate (AA’s) Robotic Process Automation (RPA) platform, used to create software bots to handle repetitive, task-based work, with IBM’s portfolio of digital process automation software, that includes IBM Business Process Manager and Operational Decision Manager. For AA, the partnership is a validation of […]
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