In The Post-Pandemic Age, How Will Financial Services Consumers Change In APAC?
We are happy to announce the publication of a series of data snapshots on APAC consumers’ attitudes and behaviors in the financial services industry.
A data snapshot is a short data-focused report used to feature some of Forrester’s quantitative research — a specific data point, operational metric, or survey question. The data we shared this time are highlights from the Forrester Analytics Consumer Technographics® Asia Pacific Financial Services Survey, 2021, with a focus on Southeast Asia and Hong Kong.
Specifically, the topics include:
- How many Malaysian customers are likely to switch banks in 2022?
- What is the top payment method in Indonesia?
- What financial advice do Gen Zers in Singapore want?
- Will Hong Kong’s digital banks be able to retain customers if they stop offering high-interest deposit yields?
You can check the links below to read our reports and connect with us through an inquiry or guidance session to learn more about these or similar data insights.
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