Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants For A Greater Good
In 1675, Isaac Newton was credited with bringing the phrase “standing on the shoulders of giants” to modern conversations. The idea is that progress is made faster and easier by leveraging the collective thinking of all those who came before. For me, the phrase symbolizes the great thinkers who took harder roads and solved more complicated problems, making our journey to get us all somewhere “better” an easier one. Based on this interpretation of the phrase, I’d say the analysts at Forrester stand taller than most giants.
In January, I joined Forrester as a Principal Analyst in the Demand and ABM Service. As a prior client, I always had positive interactions with Forrester analysts, but it’s clear now that I barely scratched the surface of understanding the value the analyst team provides. It hit me while sitting at my desk – having seen it from the inside now – Forrester is an organization of mental giants who are willing to help me stand on their shoulders to provide even more value to clients.
Over the years, I’ve worked at amazing companies with brilliant colleagues who taught me what greatness looks like in the workplace. They demonstrated how to solve difficult issues, navigate complex conversations, and do it all with kindness and respect. These people were always giants in my mind, and I was humbled by their willingness to partner with me and support me. I had no idea when I joined Forrester that I would experience that greatness on a whole new level.
I’m excited by the prospect of collaborating with these giants to explore the current state of demand marketing organizational design, the business environmental changes impacting demand organizations, and the true impact of customer obsession on demand generation efforts. The Forrester analyst community is an amalgamation of experts – each with their own experience and perspectives – fostering expanded thinking and creative problem solving. I look forward to connecting with my past and future marketing colleagues and being able to share practical guidance and tactical approaches to tackling the issues which plague them on a daily basis.
The culture of deep collaboration and thought-provoking questioning is pervasive at Forrester in the best possible way. I’m fortunate to be a part of a community that strives to better the world through open, honest conversations with all the right intentions – and I’m looking forward to all the ways I’ll be challenged, grow, and contribute at Forrester.