Missed Some Of Our Business Insights Research In 2016?
Forrester’s business insights research team has had a busy 2016! We have been busy helping our business and technology clients lead their organization to become insights-driven – one of the key operating principles of customer-obsessed firms.
Our research in 2016 helped clients:
- Organize And Operate As An Insights-Driven Business. Insights-driven businesses harness and apply data and analytics at every opportunity to differentiate its products and customer experiences and they operate differently. For customer insights teams in particular, this means understanding the right organizational models to effectively turn insights into action.
- Scale And Innovate With Data. Business users want real-time trusted data to make accurate business decisions, while technology management wants to simplify administration and lower costs. Our big data fabric research helps organizations accelerate their big data initiatives, monetize big data sources, and ultimately create a data vision to make data relevant, timely, and impactful.
- Create Trust With Customer Data. More data, means more responsibility to use that data, especially customer data, in a way that builds not erodes customer trust. Our very first privacy consumer segmentation helps clients understand consumers' complex feelings about privacy and personal data.
- Use Business Intelligence, Advanced Analytics And Optimization To Uncover Insights. Firms should tap into insights about customers, products, operations and processes using next-gen business intelligence tools, advanced analytics methods such as text analytics and streaming analytics. Our customer analytics and digital intelligence research helps clients apply these insights to gain a deeper understanding of customer behavior.
- Partner To Accelerate Time-To-Market With Insights. You need help in your insights-driven journey, our insights platforms and services research helps clients find the right partner in that journey. Insight platforms unify the technologies to manage and analyze data, test, and integrate the derived insights into business action and capture feedback for continuous improvement. Insights service providers also offer an effective way to scale your insights capabilities.
- Prepare For The Future Of Insights With Artificial Intelligence. Our 2017 predictions laid out how AI will drive an insights revolution this year. This first starts with understanding and applying the right building blocks of AI in your enterprise applications. And its not just the analytics but learn how data drives AI.
A lot more to come this year from this research team. If you are a client, schedule an inquiry with VP, Research Director Gene Leganza or me to learn more about our team’s 2017 research plans and follow this blog to get regular updates throughout the year. We are also hiring! Come join this team! We’re looking for a senior analyst to cover advanced analytics and predictive analytics and continue to help our clients become insights-driven companies.
[A Forrester subscription is required to access some of the research linked in this post]