Su Doyle

Senior Analyst

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Author Insights


CX Transformation Is Tough — Equip Your Org To Go The Distance

Su Doyle December 27, 2023
Danger! Obstacles Ahead! Customer experience (CX) has been a professional competency for two decades, and “Prove CX ROI” is still our CX clients’ top priority! Forrester’s data shows that 86% of CX professionals are building (or rebuilding) their business cases. Regardless of how much distance you have covered on your transformation journey, how many projects […]

Exercise Executive Empathy To Get Stakeholders Excited About CX

Su Doyle July 8, 2022
How can CX leaders gain funding? Develop executive empathy: Determine stakeholder priorities, connect CX to these existing priorities, and communicate the value of CX.

How To Make The CFO Your Ally

Tom Mouhsian August 30, 2021
The strong connection between customers and money — and how the first leads to the second — would make CX pros and CFOs realize the value of collaboration.

Accelerate Your CX Transformation With Collaboration

Su Doyle June 24, 2021
A chief customer officer (CXO) recently confided to us that “I thought building a large organization would make me more powerful. Now I think it just makes me more vulnerable.” Those words haunted me. Why would a CXO regret building a big team? Collaboration Is The Key To CX Transformation My colleague Angelina Gennis and […]

Building CX Influence? Choose Your Friends Carefully

Amy Bills May 11, 2021
Many CX leaders rely on matrixed teams, adjacent functions, and internal alignment to drive transformation. Being an informal “influence officer” might feel like a second job, but leaders who can connect with internal allies to further the cause of customer obsession have the greatest likelihood of success.

CX Leaders Have The Opportunity And The Responsibility To Drive Growth

Su Doyle April 30, 2021
What customer experience (CX) leaders care about and what CEOs care about don’t usually line up, and that’s a problem. It impacts budgets, staffing, and the overall clout of the CX function. As a former CX leader and as an executive in charge of growth strategies, I know we can do better! At CX APAC and CX […]

Five Ways To Plan For B2B Journey Mapping Success

Su Doyle August 14, 2018
Journey mapping can be an energizing and eye-opening exercise in customer empathy. As advisors to B2B CX and marketing leaders in the Forrester Leadership Boards (FLB), we come along on many journey mapping “journeys.” The most common question we receive from executives is, “How do I ensure the journey mapping process is actionable and aligned […]