Climate change has already made itself felt in the business world. Business continuity specialists are building climate action plans for acute events. Meanwhile, investors are divesting from businesses seen as too vulnerable to climate risk. In light of the upcoming COP26 conference, Forrester has published a series of research reports to help leaders navigate the business risks posed by climate change and drive sustainability transformation. Forrester calls this becoming “Future Generation Safe.”

According to Forrester: Organizations in Europe will appoint 25% more chief sustainability officers (CSOs) to drive action and tackle proposed EU measures aimed at making environmental sustainability reporting standardized and mandatory for a larger number of companies.

According to Amy DeMartine, Forrester VP and research director:

  • “To be resilient, firms must be able to deliver on their vision and brand promise, no matter the crisis. Sustainability practices help boost resilience by mitigating risks, helping firms shore up financial resources, and streamlining operations.”

and Thomas Husson, Forrester VP and principal analyst:

“Becoming an environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable business demands a profound and fundamental change. Like digital transformation before it, you can’t just bolt it on. Bold leaders will have to align their business model with a unique purpose, embed sustainability deep in the execution, and align stakeholders on their pledge.”

New research reports from Forrester on the topic of sustainability include:

  • The Future Of Business Is Sustainability. Over the coming years, sustainability will become a top priority for CEOs. Their ability to transform their firm is critical to surviving and capitalizing on a new wave of business disruption. Traditional firms will need to start their transformation journey toward sustainability by embracing three key principles: bold leadership, sustainable execution, and aligned stakeholders. Further insight is detailed in the following blog.
  • The Four Types Of Chief Sustainability Officer”. Chief sustainability officers set the sustainability vision, drive organizational change, and embed a sustainability strategy into the core business model. However, different firms require different types of CSOs to drive such significant transformation. Forrester has identified four types: Activist, Influencer, Politician, and Tenured.
  • Guide Your Sustainability Program With The Forrester Sustainability Maturity Model”. In Forrester’s March 2021 Global Trust Imperative Survey, 46% of US online adults, 77% in India, 63% in Singapore, and 52% in the UK and France, said they believe that brands should take a stand on climate change. This pressure, in turn, causes firms to “walk the talk” and act on their pledge to protect the environment. When implemented correctly, a firm’s sustainability efforts will build trust, increase resilience, and open new markets. Further insight is detailed in the following blog.
  • The Forrester Corporate Climate Change Disclosure Template”. With COP26 promising new regulations and renewed impetus on global climate action, climate change disclosure will become commonplace for firms worldwide. The template detailed in this report will help organizations and teams move forward in their sustainability transformation. Further insight is detailed in the following blog.

Visit Forrester’s Sustainability Resources hub for research and content.

Request “A Seven-Step Guide To A Successful Technology Sustainability”.

Read “Forr The Planet – Sustainability Interview Series” on Forrester Analyst Abhijit Sunil’s blog for interviews with sustainability leaders.

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