The Forrester Technology Strategy Impact Award celebrates IT organizations that excel in aligning their strategies with business goals, proving adaptability, and building trust through security and resilience. This award offers an opportunity for IT leaders to highlight their contributions toward driving significant business outcomes in an ever-changing technological landscape. With the deadline for submissions coming up, we wanted to help applicants understand how we’re evaluating the entries.

What Makes A Winning Submission

At the heart of every successful company lies a high-performing IT organization — a team that pursues the continuous improvement of business results through technology. This award looks to honor those remarkable IT organizations that have proven their mettle in aligning technology with the dynamic needs of the business.

A standout submission for the Technology Strategy Impact Award will:

  1. Align with business goals. Clearly show how IT and technology strategies accelerate the company’s goals (e.g., growing revenues, improving profitability, or avoiding risks).
  2. Adaptability. Provide examples of your IT capability flexibility in response to changing customer and business needs.
  3. Trust. Detail how your strategies have strengthened your IT organization’s reputation through enhanced security, privacy, and resilience.
  4. Impact. Share specific outcomes where IT has contributed to cost savings, revenue growth, customer satisfaction, or market differentiation.

Crafting Your Submission: Tell The Story

Your submission should tell a powerful story of transformation and achievement. Avoid generic statements. Share specific, measurable outcomes that reflect the depth of your innovation and its impact on your business. For instance, rather than simply telling about how your IT department contributes to company efficiencies, detail the exact measures taken, such as streamlining your application portfolio or reducing your vendor technology counts, as well as the tangible help that these actions have provided.

Understanding The Judging Lens

Your submissions will undergo a meticulous review by a panel of distinguished Forrester analysts, with a focus on:

  • Relevance and depth: the clarity and depth of your responses to the award criteria.
  • Innovation: the uniqueness and creativity of your IT strategies.
  • Measurable results: the tangible impact of your strategies on the business.

We promise confidentiality throughout the process, ensuring that your innovative technology strategies are recognized and celebrated while safeguarding your proprietary information.

How To Participate

You can find more information about the Technology Strategy Impact Award categories, plus detailed submission packages and instructions, on the websites for our three Technology & Innovation Summits below. Please choose the appropriate link for your region:

North America



Submissions close on May 31, 2024, for North America; June 20, 2024, for EMEA; and July 31, 2024, for APAC. Join us in celebrating the achievements of those at the forefront of technological innovation and business transformation. Nominate your high-performance IT organization today!